45 - hear me

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Belles POV :

"We need a bigger house." I insist, playing with Matteo's fingers.

"I agree, I could hear Aaron and Christina making that little muffin in her oven—" A pillow goes flying in the air, interrupting Naomi.

Her hair is very much frizzy now from the static of the pillow, She flips Christina off with a sarcastic smile, then attempting to tame the lions mane on her head.

"Stop over sharing other people's business!" Christina scowls, and Naomi rolls her eyes in response. "I was just stating facts—"

"Naomi." I warn, she darts her eyes to me, huffs and crosses her arms as she lays back into the couch.

I can hear Matteo's muffled laughter beside me. I'm literally the mom of the house. He's on his phone doing whatever.

"Is Alex almost done making the Mac n cheese?" I ask, Naomi peaks her head over the couch and shrugs.

"It's just mac n cheese, it shouldn't take that long." I mutter under my breath, standing to my feet and striding towards the kitchen.

"You can't say anything, You burn popcorn!" I hear Christina's distanced voice and I spin around and flip her off.

"I don't burn the popcorn the microwave does, actually!" I retort.

I walk into the kitchen, The water is boiling over, and Alex is no where to be seen.

I swiftly rush over to it, and turn the stove down, as I curse under my breath. "How does he almost burn fucking water." I say to myself.

. . .

everyone is eating right now, I would be too if I didn't feel so fucking Nauseous.

I'm on the verge of throwing up and I blame his Mac n cheese.

It's his fault. Or am I lactose tolerant?

Maybe I should be tested for that or something.

I sit by the toilet, and curl my knees up against my chest hugging them tightly, relieving the pain.

My stomach feels like it's doing gymnastics right now and it doesn't feel fucking good. I'm about to force myself to throw up just so the feeling goes away.

My head has been a pain in my ass, the room is spinning and I can feel the tears begin to brim my eyes.

A sudden chill hits me like a fucking tidal wave and I shiver.

What the fuck?

I very slowly stand up, And tip toe my way to the exit of the black and white bathroom, I almost slip on my shower rug. I'm getting rid of that.

My room is oddly cold, my room is almost never cold.

I slip my hand into the drawer I keep my knives and I grab it swiftly, flipping it in between my fingers holding it downward.

I hesitantly open the door, and the same gush of cold air hits me and I shiver again.

I can feel the vomit creep up at the back of my throat and I force myself to swallow it.

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