Part 3(The appearance)

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I entered school walking as fast as I could to my first class so no one could see my face only to bump onto railey and snow on the way

 "hey babe what's wrong?" snow asked worried holding my face gently with her hands since she probably saw that I was about to burst into tears,

 "its okay baby its okay we are here for you" she said softly. That was it, that was the triggering point for me to burst into tears I quickly fell on their arms and cried my heart out, the whole school probably thought im crazy. They tried to comfort me and tell me that it's okay.  Just when we heard the lights starting to flicker and a storm threatening to come our way. The playground outside was filled with swishing sounds as the leafs flew all around the parking lot that you can see from the huge windows in the hallways. everyone started to talk about what's happening and I stared outside just as confused. The weather was sunny and hot when I woke up this morning what the hell is happening this is unusual up here in Arizona. I quickly turned around to see a figure standing at the end of the hallway his eyes seemed red from far but I couldn't see his features since my eyes were still blurry from the tears.

The almost like storm quickly stoped and the students turned back to continue do what they were doing. I tried wiping my eyes to look back at who might that person be but he was long gone.

"how can the birthday girl cry on her special day" railey softly said as they took me to the bathroom to calm me down, Shit I forgot about my own birthday. 

"oh yeah I forgot about that" I said quietly not even sure that they heard me. 

"How can you forget!, anyways it's okay we prepared a special surprise for you at the end of the day" snow wiggled her eyebrows at me, I let out a giggle because of how funny she looked, 

"its okay but what I want to know is that who made the birthday girl cry on her special day" railey almost screamed looking angry . 

"yeah just give us their name and we will deal with it" snow said trying to imitate Riley's expression which made me laugh even more. 

"nothing new its my mom and toby you know the deal. I don't doubt that she even forgot that it was my birthday" I said while sighing. Only snow and railey know about how my mom was like with me ."

 it's okay you have us don't think too much about it" snow said quickly pulling me into a hug, 

"ugh and on top of that while I was dropping Jason off toby and his friends started bothering me and making fun of me" I continued tears threatening to fall again, 

"na uh we are not doing that again common stand up" Railey pulled me up wiping away my non existent tears. 

"Today you are going to pull your big girl pants up and have as much fun as you can. no one can get in your way not even your mom" she said as led me out of the bathroom. I didn't have class with them the first period so we parted our way and I immediately ran towards my first class. Railey is right im not going to let anyone bother me on my special day.

Just as a walked into class my eyes fell on those dark orbs. I couldn't believe what I was looking at, this is impossible. Those familiar eyes tore out my heart as soon as they landed on me i never felt like this before it felt like..pure..happiness. 

I was hesitant, it couldn't be him that's impossible! I sat as far away as I could from him but I could feel his eyes burning the side of my head. My heart was running a marathon at this point, I thought I was about to have a heart attack. The whole lesson I couldn't focus on what the teacher was saying and the whole time I felt his eyes burning the side of my face, if his eyes were laser I would be a skeleton right now. as soon as the bell rang I took it as my cue to run out of class only to be met by huge muscles blocking the doorway I slowly look up only to find those dark orbs staring right at me again how did he get here so fast he was just at the far end of the class. I couldn't take it anymore this couldn't be him it isn't him, my feelings were on top of the roof I can't believe it. He suddenly took my hand in his and placed it where his heart was. he looked hurt but I still couldn't believe it,

"I miss you baby" he softly said no no no no that voice I can't believe it I couldn't believe it. I quickly pulled his hand off me and ran towards my car. tears falling down like they never did before. It can't be!

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