Part 1 (The football game)

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Hey everyone this is the first ever story that I'm going to write hope you enjoy

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Hey everyone this is the first ever story that I'm going to write hope you enjoy

Ava is a 17 year old girl living her best life as high school student in her senior year. Everyone around her thinks of her as a pretty and normal high school student although what they don't know is that Ava is hiding a dark secret that no one but her knows about.

Ava started having these dreams of a dark mesteyrious boy with pitch black hair and a complexion of an angel, as pale as they can be as soon as she turned 13. she has always found her self to be having a deep connection with this boy although she didn't know why. In every dream, she saw flash backs of her and the boy, she always thought that it was her imagination playing games with her but her thoughts suddenly came to halt when the a new boy joined her school in her last semester.


I was deep in thought when my mom suddenly shouted at me, quickly snapping me back to reality.

"mom what?!" i shouted back. "we are going to be late for your brother's soccer game come on!" she quickly yelled as I heard her shuffling her keys to start up the car. My brother has always been mom's favorite, she would do anything for him even if it meant taking out a loan to pay for his brand new Xbox and she would always say to me that its for the sake to raise a "well mannered man". My family has always had a mediocre salary my mom works as a teacher in a primary school and my father works at the mines, we don't see him often since he is always gone for months.

My thoughts quickly comes to a stop when we arrive at my brother's school. People were coming in and out of the stadium, parents were everywhere cheering for their kids as they score a goal or release a disappointed sound whenever one of them falls down. we quickly place our selfs on the highest bleacher as my mom quickly takes out her cheering props to cheer for my brother. I quickly fall bored as the players were getting on my nerves since none of them were scoring. I excuse myself and tell me mom that I was gonna buy some snacks for us and just as I stand up I heard one of the mom's that was sitting beside my mom say "your daughter is beautiful she looks just like an angel" my mom ignores her and continues cheering for my brother as I hear the women beside her scoff and turn around.

I never thought of myself that pretty I always hear compliments from other people and I always seem to get confused. I'm a normal teenage girl with thick, long black hair although I admit that my hair takes the score for most of my beauty, I have a normal pale complexion and even some blemishes on my face. I dont know how people viewed me as pretty.

I suddenly notice my friend snow sitting in the other side of the bleachers I quickly run to her to say hi. snow is one of my closest friends. we have been friends since middle school and nothing tore as apart with our best friend Riley too. Snow seemed to be the perfect name for her, she had  snow like hair and her face was always radiating almost like an angel's. I wasn't paying attention until I heard a squeal and everything was wet. It appears that I bumped on the snacks guy and the drinks spilled everywhere. 

"Shit im sorry I didn't see you" he quickly apologized.

 "you didn't do anything it was my fault im sorry I didn't see you, I Was deep in thoughts, im sorry" I rambled until he stoped me and mouthed that it was okay. I helped him pick up the now empty drinks, 

"im sorry again here ill pay you back for all the drinks" I quickly fumbled with my pockets to take out my wallet when I felt a warm hand placed on mine. 

" its okay ill take care of it" he softly said, "you are Ava right? its nice to meet you my name Alex" he took his had out for me to shake I hesitantly accepted it and put on a fake smile.

I never trust anyone so quickly especially boys. It wasn't like I had bad history with them its just whenever I talk to boys my heart drops and I feel heavy I never knew the reason behind it but I knew It was for a good reason. Alex insisted to help me clean up but I quickly and politely refused and ran to the bathroom only to bump into someone again only this time it wasn't the kind guy that helped me out of my misery it was the bully, jerk and the most popular guy in my brothers school.

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