Part 2( Its my birthday?)

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I cursed under my breath as I quickly tried to get away when suddenly I felt a rough hand grab my arm.

 "Stop!" I shouted at him trying my best to let him go of my arm but my tries were of no success, I heard his low laugh which made my toes curl.

I have always hated toby ever since I picked up my brother Jason for the first time he saw me and tried his best to talk his way into getting me to hook up with him. Ever since that day he wouldn't stop harassing my brother into getting information about me from him. Although I. warned my brother not to get close to him and to not tell him anything about me. Unfortunately for me ever since that day I had to drop off and pick up my brother everyday from school my mom said that's the main reason she gave me my uncle's beat up car and she would shout at me whenever I'm late to pick him up or drop him off she would say it was my fault even though Jason always gets up late and eats his breakfast like a mammoth.

"hey cutie" he wiggled his eyebrows at me, yet again I felt my chest grow heavy and my heart starts aching, this is not the time. 

"Let go of me" I hissed at him,

 "not until you give me your number cutie" he continued to wiggle his eyebrow at me. Who does he think he is?! , I slowly felt vomit urging to come out. Just as I was about to tell him off again I heard a dude growl behind him and he quickly turned around and scurried off, who could possibly be able to scare off 'The Toby'. I looked behind me only to see Railey speeding towards me, she quickly wrapped her arms around me, 

"are you okay? I saw that jerk trying to bully you" she said while rubbing her hand on my back. 

"was that you?" I asked scared thinking that growl came out of cute little Railey, just as she was about to answer I heard someone clear his throat behind railey. 

"This is Nikolai, my boyfriend I came here for him he is about to play his football match at 6pm thought id swing by to support my baby" she said as she quickly tucked her head around his arm,

 "hey im Nikolai" he practically growled. I don't think he is trying to intimidate people by choice I think this is genuinely his voice, 

"hey nice to meet you" I reached my hand out trying not to look scared. The dude was huge about 6'6 I don't think anyone would doubt that he is a football player.

Railey pulled me back to walk around the hallways. "girl why didn't you tell us that you had a boyfriend?!" I semi screamed at her knowing well enough that we don't hide anything in our friend group especially BOYFRIENDS. 

"heh im sorry we weren't serious at first but he just asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend" she said while looking at the roof, this girl looked like she has fallen deeply in love, 

"its alright just don't do it next time tell us immediately I already know how snow is gonna react".

"oh no don't tell her I want to tell her myself you know she over reacts "she quickly said fear replacing her eyes

 "of course I won't tell her its your news to share" I laugh at how her expression changed so quickly. 

"she is at the bleachers if want to tell her now. She looked bored I think she is waiting for some drama" I wiggle my eyebrows at her knowing full well how snow would love someone to go talk to her right now. 

"OMG great I'll go tell her right now. come with" she quickly said trying to pull my arm to come with her. 

"no its okay I was about to go home I feel really tried" I said forcing a yawn,

"awwww its okay see you tomorrow at school. byyyye" she said as she quickly pulled her boyfriend with her and headed to the bleachers.

I pulled over my house after telling me mom that I had a headache and needed to go home early she told me that it was fine and that she would have her friends drop her off. I quickly took off my shoes and jumped into my bed ready for a good sleep.

 "will I see him today?" I quietly said to myself. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

"welcome baby" I heard a soft voice speaking behind my ear as I feel his breath warm breath at the back of my ear. I knew it was Jacob, 

"I missed you" I said in a low voice trying my best to not let him leave again as he does every time in the middle of my dream. I heard a low growl behind me, now his arms are wrapped all over me pulling me into a deep hug 

"I missed you too baby" his voice threatening to crack. I knew not to ask the same question again, whenever I asked him of who he was, he would just leave me in this huge cold black room all alone. I stayed quiet and let this peaceful moment fill my soul. 

"when are you coming?" I suddenly said unaware that those words came out of my mouth, why did I say that? did he even have the ability to come to me isn't he just an imaginary character I created?. 

"soon baby soon..." he softly said placing a soft kiss behind my ear and peacefully untangling his hands from around me and leaving me yet again in this cold black room all alone. Before I knew it tears were rolling from my eyes like a river. when did I care so much? when he leaves me I always feel like a piece of my heart getting ripped out of my chest.

I suddenly woke up to my mother's shouting at me that I'm late. I quickly cursed my self and tore the blanket off me. It was already morning and im late for my first day of school for my last semester. I quickly threw on my uniform brushed my teeth and headed out the door I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs, I thought I had the chance to at least get breakfast but my hopes were vanished when my mom slapped my back as a warning not to think about it,

 "This Is your fault your brother is going to be late for school!" she shouted threatening to beat me again I flinched and quickly scurried out of the kitchen to start up the car. My brother quickly hopped in humming his favorite song as he always does whenever I dropped him off for school. Tears were threatening to fall because of what just happened, Although im pretty much used to the way my mom treats me I always cry my self to sleep whenever she hits me.

I quickly drop off my brother from school just as I see Toby heading towards me I quickly try to back my car up only for his friends to get behind my car, I would run them over but today is not the day, toby placed his arm over my half rolled up window

 "hey cutie didn't get the chance to talk to you yesterday because of that gorilla" he tried sounding funny as his friends laughed behind him, 

"please toby I dont have time for this today im late for school" I said trying not to show him that im about to cry but my voice failed me and it cracked making me sound like a scared little duckling. I heard a bunch of wolf like laughs coming from my side only to find out toby and the rest off his friends laughing their ass off on the ground.

" are you scared of me miss Ava. Do I scare you?" he sarcastically said. This time I couldn't handle it any longer and I quickly reversed my car speeding towards my school.

His black wingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang