Hakugyokurou & Yuyuko Arc Final Chapter

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Yuyuko: "..."

Subaru: "What happened, did you forget how to talk? Aren't we getting a little bit shy now? As I remember you, you are loving talking, don't you?"

Yuyuko: [Natsuki Subaru is very, very arrogant...]

Junko: "Subaru! Manners."

Subaru: "Sorry... m-mom..."

Junko: "You say it! Fufu~ You're lucky because I will forgive you."

Junko hugged Subaru and started to laugh while spinning slowly with him happily. 

Yuyuko: "Ha... Ha. I hope you're not here to show your new Mother and Son bond. It won't be two against one, it will be 3 against 1! I don't need to count you in, Subaru, you're just a weakling. Lich!"


Subaru: "Hahaha Ha! Did you really think I wouldn't think that? I already talked with someone to take care of The Lich."

Subaru said while he was still stuck in Junko's arms.

Junko: *sighs* "You know my son is really thoughtful, he knows it would make me tired if I were fighting three against one, but thanks to my beautiful son I will make you pay for what you said to my child without getting even tired."

Junko slowly lets go of Subaru and gets ready to fight.

Yuyuko: "Looks like I have to make sure Subaru learns when to give up, Youmu! Get ready."


Yuuka: "My, my. Where are you going, Mr. scum?"

The Lich: "I see, You have been sent here to take care of me, girl. No one ever told you who you are matching with. Poor child, I am the end of all life! I will sink you into the deep down of Infinity Timelines, and it will be just starting."

Yuuka: "How scary~ But I made a deal with Subaru so I will end this quickly."

The Lich: "Then I shall make your end fast, I will be your doom."

Yuuka: "let's see then..."


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Junko: "Why are you here...?"

After Subaru wants help from Satori to find Junko, running around for hours Subaru finally finds her, but she doesn't seem angry, just disappointed, upset. From the viewpoint of Junko, she tries to take her son back but gets back knifed, betrayed by her son, and called crazy. Her already broken heart was shattered, she wanted to cry but there were no tears left to come out. Subaru can understand how is she feeling and truly feels sad about what he did.

In the viewpoint of Subaru, he was so scared when a random youkai tried to claim him as her son and tried to kidnap him. He didn't want to lose his closest ones, so he stood up against her. She only wanted his safety, what kind of mom would want her son to live with vampires, she was just worried about him and wanted to take him where safer, but she tried to do this in extreme ways. But Subaru understood everything after a long time and never found time to talk with her or fix their broken relationship.

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