Hakugyokurou & Yuyuko Arc Chapter 2

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Subaru wakes up from sleep again, he is in his bed. His body still shakes because of his previous death, and he can still feel the torture Yuyuko made. He warped his arms around himself to support himself. The torture was painful, not only physically but mentally too. From the day he comes to Gensokyo, he keeps dying and feeling pain. He is just a human, why does he have to keep carrying this pain? Is this God's will? 

Subaru: [Is this because of God?]

Does god love watching him suffer more and more?

Subaru: [Does God love to see me suffer?]

Is this his fade? A fade that only has pain? Why?

Subaru: "Why... Why... WHY, WHY! WHY!!!!" He screams with his all. almost rips his vocal cords. Normally, the whole mansion would hear his scream, but Yukari covered his room with different gaps to keep his voice from overflowing.

Subaru's mentality was at limits and his thinking started to corrupt. 

Yukari watched all of this with a smirk on her face, making him alone, corrupt his ideas. She will wait until the perfect time to make her plan work.

Subaru slowly got up from the bed, opened the bathroom door, and got in to wash his face. he looked at himself in the mirror, he felt disgust, hatred, and anger.

Subaru: "It's all because I'm too weak..."

It's all his fault, he is too weak. Just a mere human, what is he even trying? Just going there and getting himself killed again and again, he is not a genius to find a plan, not strong enough to beat someone, not enough determined to keep going. What is his purpose in this hellish world anyway? He is nothing, no one-

 What is his purpose in this hellish world anyway? He is nothing, no one-

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He truly hated himself, he punched the mirror with an uncontrollable urge. His hand was full of blood, he didn't care about the pain. He hates himself, even seeing himself in the mirror makes him disgusted. Maybe this is how he reduces his stress.

???: "Subaru!"

Subaru looked at the person who was in front of the door, looking at him with sad eyes. It's Patchouli.

Subaru: "Patchy..."

Patchouli: "You did it again..."

Patchouli walked closer to Subaru, she held his bloody hand. After a white ball of magic started to glow, it started to heal Subaru's hand.

Patchouli: "This is the 4. time Subaru... It's a secret between you and me but please stop hurting yourself, I don't know what happened but stop doing this... Subaru..."

Patchouli said with a shaky voice, she was worried about Subaru, she didn't want him to hurt himself anymore, Patchouli looked at Subaru with sad eyes. Subaru didn't speak, he was just looking at the ground with shameful eyes, trying to avoid eye contact.

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