Hakugyokurou & Yuyuko Arc Chapter 3

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Yukari: "So, what is your answer, Subaru?"

Subaru: [What should I do in this situation... I will keep losing to Yukari if I reject the offer, there is no need to mention she always finds a way to defeat me, I will keep dying... Wait...]

Subaru: "If you wanted to make a contract with me, then why did you keep killing me without asking or compromising? There are no rumors of yours, no one mentions you're doing something good, that only sets off you and your plans are just pure evil. I never see you doing something good but killing me-"

Yukari: "My, my. When will you let me talk, you cannot keep talking without letting me speak. There are no rumors because I am busy with making sure what is good for Gensokyo. Ah, compromise, hm? Well, I was truly terrified by your powers and thought you might be bad news for Gensokyo but I was wrong. Watching you keep trying to make sure your friends are okay, trying to fix everything with your weak body of yours, you truly changed my thoughts on you. So, I want your help to fix Gensokyo, and I will make sure you and your friends are okay, a pretty good contract isn't it, dear?"

Subaru: "But how can I be sure that you will keep your promise?"

Yukari: "That's why we will do a contract, there will be penalties for those who will try to break the contract or don't comply with the rules. Trust me, you wouldn't want to see the meaning of breaking a contract."

What Yukari said was true, you cannot break a contract or try to break the rules. The penalties are heavy enough to kill Subaru permanently or make Yukari lose her powers forever. But there is something people don't know, Yukari Yakumo can break the laws of the contract, and Yukari can change the rules even after setting the contract and rules. She can reject the contract and get out while Subaru has to apply the contract's rules. Yukari's 1200 years of experience plus her powers cannot be held by a contract. In short, no such a contract can hold Yukari.

Subaru: "I guess... It's fi-"

The moment Subaru tried to say "fine", his words were interrupted by unbearable pain. The world was grey, it didn't feel like Sakuya's time had stopped. A hand was squeezing Subaru's heart as if trying to punish him. That was not the witch of envy but Satella herself, she was crying because of what she had to do to Subaru right now. Why is she crying? That's because she loves Subaru more than anyone, when Subaru is dead, the person who comforts him is always Satella, Satella is the one who makes him always feel loved and warm. Who punishes him when he tries to reveal his Return By Death or doesn't comfort him when he dies is The Witch of Envy. Satella's love is the kind one. On the other hand, The Witch of Envy's love is the possessive one. That's the difference between Satella and The Witch of Envy.

Satella didn't bear the pain that she was giving the Subaru. She stopped squeezing his heart and warped her arms around Subaru, hugging him closer. Subaru doesn't even remember her or know her in his life, but he feels so much love. He tried to speak or move but it didn't work, he didn't know why he was feeling so much love at this point. A love that surpasses everything he ever loved in his life, why does he love a person that he saw the first time in his life, why does he have this familiar love in his heart? Why does he love her so much? He doesn't know, he doesn't know something but her love and his love for her. From Subaru's perspective, that was the first time he saw her (He doesn't remember the past interactions with Satella). Yet, he was feeling so much love towards her, that he thought he might be crazy because it's impossible to feel so much love towards someone you saw the first time in your life. Subaru's thoughts were chaotic at that moment.

???: "Please choose the right one..."

The moment she speaks, the world is colorful again. Subaru didn't remember what just happened, the only thing he remembered was a feeling of love and the words "Choose the right one" He looked at Yukari, and opened his mouth, ready to talk.

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