Childish Recklessness

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Yukari: "Start to write now."

I will... I'm just taking my free time, I need to relax you know...

Yukari: "I said start to write now!"



Subaru is shaking. Does this mirror show the past?

Subaru: "W-what is this...?"

The hand grasping the mirror is shaking, the pale face of the Subaru rocking minutely and repeatedly, he cannot believe his eyes.

His other hand, the one not holding the mirror, reached for his face to check it, and fingers that were smaller than those in his recollections, ones befitting the young face, came into view through the mirror, no way this is true.

Judging from the height, that was a roughly ten-year-old Natsuki Subaru.

Subaru: "What the hell is this? No way this is true..."

It was a sight worth being dubbed a nightmare. That was how absurd this state of emergency was, he was already weak in the Gensokyo, and now he is weaker, smaller, and has no powers, what kinda joke is this?

Subaru: "I... I must be dreaming..."

At least his magic-enhanced vampire clothes are somewhat small and suit him, those are really good clothes. At least he won't get into trouble with his clothes, thanks to magic enchantments.

The door of the Shrine suddenly opened, and it was Marisa, she wanted to check if Subaru was awake, but she didn't see Subaru, only a little child who looked like Subaru.

Marisa: "W-wait..."

Marisa took a closer look at the child, she rubbed her eyes to check if it was true, Subaru is a child and it's true.

Marisa: "SUBARU!?!?"

Youmu: "What with the noise, can't you calm down a little bit?"

Youmu said these words and made her way to look at the inside of the Shrine, she looked towards what is Marisa looking at, she was looking at a child, no, that was not a normal child, it was Subaru, Youmu's eyes widened.

Youmu: "EHHHH?!?!?"

Youmu quickly comes closer to Subaru, she holds Subaru and lifts him, examining his body, he is clearly Subaru, and she quickly exits the Shrine with the kid Subaru, while Marisa is stunned.

Subaru: "Hey! Put me down!"


Every youkai in the celebration looked at the voice and saw little Subaru, everyone shut up and just looked at Subaru, Subaru felt embarrassed. What kinda absurd state is this?

Yuyuko smirked as if she knew about this, she wasn't surprised much.

Remilia: "Eh?"

Sakuya closed her eyes and opened them as if she wanted to check again if it was true, and it was true, Sakuya didn't know what to say or do.

Sakuya: "No... way..."

Reimu: "What in the Gensokyo is this?"

Yuuka: "My, my, I don't know how he turned into a child but he looks cute."

Flandre: "Nee-sama! Look! Subaru little like us!"

Kaguya: "Hahaha!"

Eirin: "Is this even possible?"

Natsuki Subaru's story in GensokyoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ