Chapter Four: Ino's perspective

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I've known Sakura for awhile now. She used to be really shy but then she started getting more friends than me, I wasn't jealous, it's just I was Sakuras first friend and I didn't want her to forget that. 

I remember she came up to me one day, the fox kid in her hands. She introduced me to the boy, his name ended up being Naruto which sounds funny considering that's just food. I'll admit, I didn't like him at first, he was always around Sakura and was so touchy with her. That wasn't fair because I was closer to her, I've known her the longest not him. I guess we got along, I stuck with him because Sakura did. 

Then Sasuke came into the picture. 

I had a crush on him when we were 8. It was definitely his looks because his personality was comparable to one of an asshole in the making. I get he lost his clan, people need time to heal but I hate him for turning me and Naruto against Sakura. He would tell us all these things that weren't obviously true, why did we believe him? Oh yeah, he was Sasuke fucking Uchiha! It wasn't everyday someone looked high upon talks to a bunch of "minions" at least that's what he called us. 

I regret listening to him, he tore away my only ACTUAL friend, Naruto was there yeah but I wanted Sakura. Plus I'm pretty sure he had a crush on her so that just made things annoying. There was a time where me and Naruto were just jealous of Sakura. She was smart and strong, who wouldn't be jealous of her? I felt like a follower everyone I hung out with her. Sometimes i'd go to her house only for her dad to tell me she was out on a mission. It was always a mission. What happened to her mom anyway? I hadn't seen her in a while. 

Other things happened of course but we're not gonna get into that, right now I just wanna focus on trying to get back together with her. As friends. Once again I followed the same streets that lead to her house but once I got there there no house to be found. I looked around to see an old lady who's lived here for awhile now. 

"Excuse me ma'am," The older lady looked over towards me giving a soft smile, "Do you happen to know where the Haruno family lives now?" I watched as she nodded, I let out a sigh in relief and walked over to her. "They moved out awhile ago, not before little Sakura told me where she and her father would be staying of course!" I let out a small giggle, of course, that's so much like her. The lady gave me the address and I left waving her a goodbye. I hadn't been aware of them moving, then again, i haven't talked to her since we were 8 and now i'm 12. 

I ended up coming towards a pretty decent sized house, it was bigger than the last house. "I can do this.." I said trying to reassure myself. With one final deep breathe and knocked three times hoping for a response. A few seconds go by and I already start to feel doubtful she wasn't here. I turned around preparing myself to leave but suddenly I heard the door open revealing the pink haired girl. "Ino?" I could tell something seemed off from her voice but I tried my best to ignore it. "Heyy, I-I know it's been awhile but I wanted to catch up y'know?"

I expected a door slammed into my face but surprisingly she gave me a smile instead. I thought back to when we were a trio, the way Sakura always brought comfort and assurance with just a smile. She really always tried to be there huh? 

She stepped aside and let me walk in, closing the door behind me. "Where's your dad?" Her expression changed for split second, "I think he's sleeping on the couch," She said trying her best to sound calm. "Uhm, anyways, you wanted to catch up?" I nodded and she smiled, "Let's go to my room, c'mon." I followed her, observing the victorian furniture and comfy energy spread across the house, the sent of lemon fresh mopped floors. 

"So how are things at the academy?" I looked over towards her and realized i zoned out. "Oh that, well things are okay, we're graduating tomorrow." I said. She looked away for a second before looking straight into my eyes, a familiar feeling bubbled in my stomach, one I was familiar with. "U-uhm. How are the missions?" She looked a bit surprised that I even asked that question but answered anyway, "They're okay, the Hokage has been thinking of ranking me to Anbu." "Anbu?! Sakura aren't you like...12??" She laughed at my outburst but nodded. "He offered maybe the position of a captain but that's too much, not for me." I nodded and let out a sigh. 

"You still talk to Naruto?" I froze. 

"Yeah no. He's a complete jerk now, he figured out he was the son of lord 4th and now he's just stuck as Sasuke." She hummed towards my response, "I guess saving him from those bullies wasn't such a good idea huh?" I chuckled at the comment, "I guess so, maybe he'd be humbled again." I received a nod, "Who told him he was the Hokages son?" I stayed quiet for a second trying to remember, "I think it was Lord Third," I shrugged. 

"Wanna read magazines and have a fashion show?" I looked over to Sakura shocked. "Obviously!" We laughed and started getting things ready. 

I feel like something I haven't really thought was the fact she was still a kid. We both are and yet one of us has seen and experienced things no normal child her age has. If it was anything, Sakura grew up too fast. 

A Sakuras PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now