*he's here because he helped me look for Noah* I said

*whatever* Elias said

Kai and I go to the car And I hear Elias and Emma close the door

I open the car door and Noah is sitting in his car seat looking at my phone

I buckle him into his  carseat and I sit in the driver's seat and Kai sits in the passenger seat and we drive home to my apartment

When we get home we go into the kitchen

*Noah can you go play in your room for a while* I say

*okay* he says and goes to his room

I turn to Kai who is standing by the kitchen island

*are you okay* he asks

I exhale and try not to cry

*I was so scared* I say and start to cry

Kai walks up to me and hugs me

*I was so scared kai* I say

*yes I know* he says

*I didn't know where he was*
*something could have happened* I say as I cry

Kai hugs me and strokes my back

*I know but now he's home again* he says

*It's okay now* he says

When I have cried for a while

I wipe my tears

*thank you for being here* I say to him

*I will always be here for you* says kai

Noah enters the kitchen

*do you want to play with me* asks Noah

*of course* says kai

*show me little man* says kai

Noah takes Kai's hand and goes to his room

I take the dishes out of the dishwasher and then go to Noah's room

My heart melts when I walk into Noah's room

Kai and Noah are playing on the floor

*hey what are you playing* I ask and sit on Noah's bed

*we're playing with dinosaurs* Noah says

*Raaarrr* says Noah and his toy dinosaurs jump on Kai's dinosaurs

*oh no* says kai and lay his dinosaurs down

*haha I defeated your dinosaurs* Noah says laughing

*yes you did little man* says kai and we all laugh

Then we all play for a few hours and I invite kai to have food with us and he accepts it

             **A few hours later**

I cook while Kai sets the table

I make pasta with sausage

We eat and Noah talks about his day and we laugh and have fun

I get Noah ready for bed and say goodnight to him

I go back to the kitchen where Kai is standing and adds the dish to the dishwasher

*you know you didn't have to take the dishes because I could have done it* I say to Kai

*I know but I want to do it* says kai

I go to the dishwasher and when I stand next to it and turns on the dishwasher

When I turn around I end up very close to the kai

We both stand and stare at each other

We were so close

So close I could feel his breath

I just want to kiss him

His soft lips against mine

Wow what am I thinking!

He's my Professor it can't happen

*Alice* kai says

*Mmmm* I say

*I'll probably go now* says kai
And I snap out of my trance

We leave each other and go to the hall
And say goodbye

What the fuck just happened?


Ooo now it's starting to happen thinks

so what do you think?

What did you think of what Emma did?

Hope you have a good day or night 😊💕

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