10. The USB's

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TW: blood, injury, suicidal, possession, ect.
~spelling errors and rushed chapter

Yellow sat down at the kitchen table, red sat next to her. TSC stood behind the two and watched as yellow examined the USB hubs. She picked one up and inserted it into the computer. A tab opened and showed a blueprint to some strange building. At the top it said "OWF temple."
“Another temple?! How many does he need?”
Red said. Yellow scrolled down on the page and read the words “The Underground”. Underneath the headline was another blueprint to a strange tunnel. Yellow examined it but nothing was clear, except for a few more words “Chamber of Darkness” and a photo of a room a lot like a jail. It had chains and what looked like a gallow. Yellow took a few screenshots and then removed the USB and replaced it with another.
They continued to do this for about an hour, collecting as much information as possible.
Half way through, red got dizzy and left. She wandered upstairs and into the biggest room. She walked over to the bed and collapsed on it. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and stared at the mirror across from her. The more she stared at herself, the more her mind grew foggy until she heard a voice. It was distant but got louder until red could make out the words, "Where breaking in! Sir!"
"Ah good. Hello red, it's Ajayan, or you know me as TDL. I see you're letting it in now."
Red whispered. It was hard to breathe and her head spun.
"You seriously thought you could beat it."
"But I'm missing a glove!"
"Doesn't matter….. Wait!"
Suddenly the voices were muffled but red could make out a few sentences.
"What glove did she lose?!"
"No no no no no. This could mean.... No!"
TDL's voice came back, clearer this time.
"Red! Red! No!"
His voice got drowned out by a super high pitched sound and red lost control. Her black eye sent a shock through her body and she stood up, without control, and punched the mirror. The glass cut her skin and fell to the floor with a sickening crash. Red fell unconscious on the glass.
Downstairs, everyone heard the glass shatter and ran upstairs. TSC found red and called the others in. They brought her downstairs and laid her on the couch. Mango got the kids out of the room. Yellow nervously looked at red and then over at blue. She walked over to him.
"I know... How this happened."
She whispered, voice shaky.
"Want to tell me?"
Blue asked, gesturing to the hall.
"I... I don't know. I should tell everyone together, but... Maybe?"
"Come on. We can also talk about what you found on those USB's."
Blue said, grabbing her hand and taking her to the hallway. Yellow sat on the floor so blue sat down next to her.
"So, what did you see?"
"A lot. But the pieces aren't fitting..."

Back in the living room, TSC had pulled over a chair and sat next to red. His head hung as he stressed about what happened. What they had found on the USB's had a connection to this incident.
Suddenly, TSC felt something touch his hand. He looked up and saw red had opened her eyes.
"You're awake!"
He gasped,
"How do you feel?"
"Like I was just at the very bottom of the sea. My head stings."
She said,
"Take it easy. I- What happened?"
TSC asked while rearranging her pillows to make her more comfortable.
"I... I..."
She closed her eyes again and made fists.
"I heard him. He thought his technology was working on me but all of a sudden he started acting like something was wrong. I remember he was saying a lot of 'No's. But after that everything went blank. When my vision cleared my hands were bleeding and my head spun... I passed out after that."
TSC sighed.
"Stay here, don't move."
He left the room and later returned with yellow. Yellow kept her head down. She held her laptop and reds bag. Blue came in and pulled over a chair for yellow. Yellow sat down and let out a breath before looking up at red.
“So, how are you feeling?”
“We, um… we know what happened. And we are scared for you.”
She looked over at blue and he nodded at her. She looked back at red and continued,
“So we were looking at the USB’s and we found out some more facts about the gloves. The gloves are made by a company called Novatech. The gloves contains a poison that, once the glove is on, is released into your body and makes it impossible to take the gloves off. After the poison, a chip is released from the left glove. After about 24 hours it makes its way to your mind and gives the company the ability to control your mind, thoughts, and actions. The thing is, because you lost one glove, it causes the technology to malfunction. These malfunctions can lead to hallucinations, migraine or bad headaches, pain, and a lot more because you still have the one glove and the poison is still in you. We are pretty sure the poison also let's the company access your brain or something but we arent sure yet. It… It also can cause bleeding, internally or externally. We are worried, red, about the damage it might cause to you. We don’t want you to have to suffer this. We are trying to find a way to stop it but…”
“I understand. But it’s ok, I  can stand it.”
“Are you serious?!” TSC said, “If these migraines get worse and you have another incident like todays… you cannot go through this alone.”
“Are you saying I’m too weak?”
“No! I’m saying I don’t want you to have to fake being ok with us. We care for you and don’t want you to be hurt.” TSC said. Yellow and blue nodded.
“Ok… did you find out about anything else?”
TSC looked nervously over at yellow before yellow said:
“There… there was a photo of a specific glove. It was exactly like the others but had a red diamond on its back. It said it was for a specific person named “R”. The glove had extra details, much worse details. I… I don’t think it's time to talk about them now.”
TSC picked up from there,
“Red, can we see your glove?”
Red looked scared and was hesitant to show her glove.
“Wha- what are the extra details?”
Yellow looked at red sadly.
“Red please, show the glove.”
Red closed her eyes and looked away while she raised her hand and showed them her glove. TSC looked over at yellow, who stared at the glove.
“Can you tell me now?”
Red said, turning back to them. Her eyes shone with fear but she hid it well. Yellow let out a shaky breath.
“It could mean your skin could burst open at any time, causing extreme blood loss. It can also cause heart attacks and could kill you. We are extremely worried for you.”
“That’s it?”
“I don’t think you understand how serious this is!”
Red sat up and sighed.
“I will be fine, ok? Please, just, leave me to deal with this alone.”
TSC leaned and strictly said,
“If you ever feel like something is coming, you will tell us.”
Red nodded nervously. She laid back down and pulled her blanket up to her chin,
“I’m tired.”
She said in a small voice.
Yellow nodded, got up, and left the room, blue followed.
“You comfy?”
TSC asked
She closed her eyes and waited until TSC left before getting up off the couch and sneaking out of the house.
“I can’t believe they found out… and now there going to be worried about be and I'm the burden now!”
She whispered. She walked out into the field and began to cry. She sat behind a tree and pulled her legs up to her chin and sobbed uncontrollably.
“It hurts! Everything hurts! Now I’m a failure. I can’t… I can’t stay. It would be better if I just didn’t exist.”
Red gasped. Scarlette and G came out into the clearing.
“Uh, h-hi”
Red said.
Scarlette turned around and ran to her, G followed.
“Why are you out here?”
Red sniffed and looked away.
“I needed to be alone.”
“Oh. Should we go?”
Red looked back at Scarlette and G and then sighed.
“No, please, stay… stay with me.”
They both sat beside red and Scarlette leaned her head against red's shoulder.
“I hope you feel better.”
She whispered. Red smiled and a tear slip from her eye. She closed her eyes and murmured "Thanks..."
And within minutes they had all fallen asleep.

Words 1580

This was a sorta rushed chapter. I made it half heartedly so it's kinda bad..... And I'm sure there are mistakes.

I'm taking a break from writing stories on Wattpad until school is done, including taking a break on this book, but I'm still active on my one shot books so um yeah.

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