6.The Mountain

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TW: drowning, pain, and injury

The next day the CG got ready for the meeting at stick city. Chosen had called them earlier that morning and told them to be prepared. Anything could happen, knowing TDL.
Everyone got into Mangos car and they drove to The Weeping Willow Stadium were TDL would be speaking. When they arrived it was already crowded with people. Thousands of people from all over had come to hear TDL and Victim. They walked in side and found seats. Red felt nervous and couldn't sit still. She wandered away from the gang.

She rounded a corner and saw two people standing in front of her. Both wore ragged cloaks and stared directly at her.
"Uhhh... I didn't mean to bother you, I'll be uh going now. Sorry."
"Red. Be strong and trust your friends. Don't let him in. It's easy to fall for lies and it's easy to give in, but you have to stay strong. These will be the hardest days for everyone and you need to stay strong so you can help them. Be strong!"
Red stared at them in confusion. Her thoughts raced but she played it cool.
"Ok... What ever you just said... I'm just going to go now, ummm.... "
Suddenly the men were gone.
"Ok I'm losing it. "
Red mumbled.
"Hey you! "
Red spun around and faced a tall maroon stick figure.
"What do you think your doing back here? This is not for visitors!"
"Oh sorry, I didn't know!"
"Go back to were you came from!"
The man shooed red away and red went back to her seat.
"Where'd you go?!"
TSC asked her as soon as he saw her.
"Sorry I needed to take a walk."
"Don't leave us like that! We were worried! "
Red said.
Everyone went quiet and faced the stage as TDL came up.
"It's good to see so many of you decided to come out today! We hope that each of you are receiving help from the Peacekeepers and are recovering well. Now, since many of you traveled here from a far, we shouldn't waste any time. From these past horrific events we have been left weak and helpless but I promise to do everything I can to make us powerful again. With my team so far we have acquired lots of equipment and have already started rebuilding. Why don't we welcome a few of my most important staff members?"
5 others walked onto the stage. TDL walked over to the farthest one.
"This is Smoke. He is in charge of rebuilding. This is Lemon. She is in charge of the new program we have for teens, the Global Community. This is Rocko, he is in charge of our weapons removing. This is Cloud, personal I think she is the prettiest of our members, and she's my assistant. And you've already met Vic, who is in charge of the One-World Faith. Let's give them all a round of applause!"
The crowd clapped wildly. Red knew that they already loved TDL and he already had there hearts and minds under his control. Again she felt claustrophobic and felt the need to get up and walk. She told Second she was going to the bathroom and left the stadium as TDL started speaking again. She walked outside and breathed in deep. It had gotten colder than when they had arrived and the sky had darkened.
"That's... Weird..."
She said aloud.
"Yeah it is. If we're talking about the same thing."
Red jumped. Behind her was a orange/yellow stick figure about her hight with a little golden retriever puppy at his side
"Sorry I scared you. My names Cheesy. This is Phoenix. Your talking about how cold and dark it is right?"
"Um yeah. My names red by the way. Cute dog."
"Thanks. Ohh what's that??"
He pointed out at the horizon. Red squinted her eyes. It was a huge dark and pointy something and it was slowly moving. It sort of looked like mountain that had some how removed it's self from the earth, risen, and now was slowly falling back to the earth. Even to where red and cheesy stood, they could feel the ground shake as the mountain hit the earth. A loud crash and roaring of water split the air.
Cheesy said, mesmerized.
"Not wow!"
Red yelled, suddenly realizing what had happened.
"It's the flood! We have to warn everyone! "
"What are you yapping about?"
Cheesy said.
"No time to explain!"
Red pulled cheesy back inside as she saw the tsunami wave pile high into the sky. She dragged cheesy with her as she ran back to were the others sat.
Red shouted, unaware of how she had interrupted TDL.
"The floods started!"
The gang quickly shot out of there seats and ran outside. The wave was drawing closer and quick. Cheesy looked terrified. Red put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him and then looked back at the gang.
"We need to get to cover!"
She said quickly.
People from inside had seen the wave and started screaming. TDL left the stage. Red looked around the surrounding but there wasn't anything for hiding. She braced herself for the wave as it neared. Lots of people had already left the stadium and tried to drive away from the wave. But the wave nearly five miles away now and traveling rapidly. Red took a deep breath in and ran back into the building. The gang also ran in. They all took cover in a back corner. The waved roared loudly and soon the water pounded against the building. Water broke windows and gallons of water spilled in. The pressure from the water cracked the building. The opposite side from were the gang was broke and water poured in. Red closed her eyes as the water over took them and pulled them under. The current was rapid and strong, it separated the gang. Red tried to break to the surface but the pull of the water was to strong. She kicked as hard as possible and finally broke free, but only for a moment before another pounding of water dragged her back under. Something sharp cut her leg. She didn't realize that her sprained arm had broken from its cast and she failed to notice how hurt she was. Instead she could only think about were the water was caring her and how she would find her friends again. Suddenly she ran into something. She realized she had run into a slab of concrete that stuck straight up. With as much power as she could she pulled herself up the concrete and broke from the water. She gasped in air and looked around her surroundings. Everything was completely covered in rushing water. The rest of the gang was no where to be seen.

1146 words

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