Chapter 3: First interaction

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After a few days.

It's already Saturday and i've been busy for almost 5 days since i was in school, it was 8 hours per 5 days from school and i'm just focusing on studying.

So today is Saturday, i can do whatever i want like rest or sleep which is kind of excited or relaxing for me. But someone through into my mind and it was mina. Yeah mina, i forgot about her.

After a while. To my way of thinking, if Aliyah might be able to talk to her today.

I went to 1st floor (she's from 1st floor) and goes to Aliyah's room to visit her place right now.

I knocked the door and said "Aliyah, are you there?" I wait like 1 minute until she show up.

"Uhh morning, Ryonuske.."

She's still sleepy. Her voice was sounded like she wants to sleep again.

"Sorry for disturbing you but can i have minute or maybe hours so we can have to talk for something"

"Hmm sure.."

She literally gasps when she heard my favor.

"Wait there, i will clean my room first... wait a minute please"

She suddenly close the door of her room and also she's actually like crazy.

"Okay, I'll wait here"

Her clothes is really tighten. I wish i didn't see her like that. Whatever.

After 3 minutes. Aliyah wear a domestic clothes and her rooms look like cleaned immediately.

"Sorry i made you wait.." she blushes.

"Nope, it's fine"

"Well, come in. Welcome to my room by the way" she smiles like other girls does.

"Okay, thanks for letting me in"

When i went inside, her room is full of cute stuff like more on anime, outfits and many more.

"You have so many collection huh?"

"Yeah.. uhm it was kind of embarrassed but.."

"No, it was great for you and for me, So it's fine. I also like them all" 

I smile and head pat her.

"Okay.. thank you" she look at ground and blushes.

"Oh wait I'll close the door first"

Aliyah goes entrance to close the door. After that she give me a snacks with cute smile.

"Uhm I'm just here to talk not to eat"

"Yeah, i know this is actually Filipino's people do. This is always done for visitors, and also i think from US can do that too?"

"Well.. actually i don't know more about like that when i was in US" 

I was lying that because i'm actually a single child. i've never experienced being visited by someone before. 

"Is that so? Sorry to hear that. Anyways come on let sit on the table chairs"

I think she didn't notice that I'm lying.

"No, it fine you actually my friend right? So no need to be apologize"

I saw her face getting red like a tomato.

"Oh yeah i forgot"

We both sit on the table of chairs and start the conversation.

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