Start from the beginning

" Fuck. " I don't curse, I never do, and Aditi too stared at me as if I grew two heads, but this is serious. It was supposed to be some representative from them, not their own CEO. Kunal Rajvansh is the eldest son of Samarth Rajvansh, he took up his position as the CEO of Rajvansh Group when he was 24 and till now, the group has only gone up.

I sometimes admire these people, I don't know how they manage such big empires and don't get nervous. I've gotten cold feet two times already and this may as well be the third. My phone rang, I was sure baba had heard the news. " Prisha, don't panic bacha. You have done everything perfectly till now, you'll do so now too. "

" Baba, I.. "
" Shh, it's okay. Just think about aadi. " I did and even amidst the tension, my lips curved up in a smile.

" Hmm. "
" You say na that he's the one who gives you the strength. Then just think about him and do it. I know you'll do great. And moreover, we've already done everything we could. If they're not satisfied, then it's because their standards are too high, not because we didn't make an effort. Okay beta. "

" Ji baba. " I replied and he chuckled.
" Chl phr bye. I'll meet you at home. "
'Okay then bye. '

" Bye. " And I hung up, " Shall we go ma'am? " Aditi asked, it was then that I realised that we have reached the ground floor. Baba is right, we've done our best. Taking a deep breath I stepped out of the elevator and moved towards the reception hall.

They were already here, the valets had taken their keys, my staff had already put garlands on the entourage behind him but when they wanted to do so with him he waved them off. I too signalled them to back off, we'll not do anything that's a no for them.

By the time I was in front of him, I had my composure back, I am Prisha Agnihotri who has been the CEO of Agnihotri Group of Hotels since last year. And I've managed the group for longer than that while raising my baby at the same time.

And that can't happen if you don't know how to manage stress. I've always been a critical thinker, the more stressful the situation the more I'll try to make it normal. No emotion was visible on my face as I greeted him, extending my hand towards,

" Welcome Mr. Rajvansh. It's nice to meet you. " He returned it by taking my hand and politely shaking it, " It's nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you. "

Shit, how does one respond to this, I don't think he would even know my name, much less anything else. But I have to calm down and think how to reply. Think Prisha, think.

" Thanks for being polite. It's you whose name resounds everywhere. Please let me show you your rooms." Way too smooth Prisha, you couldn't think of anything remotely better than this. If he was being polite just let him, do you really have to do this? Great.

The good thing was he didn't say anything more and just nodded, instructing aditi to settle everyone else, I went with him.

We didn't know he was coming, but even if we did, it would still be the same, we had done the best at everything we could do. If he's still not satisfied then that's just like baba said, his standards are too high. But to my surprise he didn't say anything, his bags were already settled in the room. " You can rest for a while. I'll brief you on the details when you're done. "

" Hmm. "

And I left.

I didn't have to do anything more than this, they were gonna stay here for a month. Some event of their own company was going on and our sole responsibility was to do what every hotel does but solely for them. I'm still worried if something will go wrong but now that everyone is settled, the worry has gone down to an extent.

The next two hours, everyone who came with him and everyone who arrived later but were invited to the event was settled in their rooms. Some people would be arriving in the evening otherwise everyone was already here. My role is just to ensure everything is done from our side.

A knock sounded in my room when I just settled in, I had one in each of our hotels for situations like this, " Come in. "

" Ma'am, Mr. Rajvansh is ready to discuss. "
"Huh? Alright. Go ahead, I'll be there. "

The meeting was scheduled in the lounge on the terrace. He was there with another person who I assumed must be his secretary and Aditi was with me. Seeing me come over, he took his seat and I did the same, Aditi and Ashish, whose name I learned when he said it, also got seated on our sides. The next two hours were spent discussing the details of the events going on during this month.

When we were done, I was done for the day too. I needed to fuel myself before getting back to work. It was already time for lunch, and I had to call home too. So I couldn't get out of there any faster, as soon as we were done, I stood up, " I'm sorry but I have something to do. I hope you enjoy your stay Mr. Rajvansh. "

And I left without waiting for his reply, I don't know if he took that on a bad note, I couldn't care more about it. Aditi would sought out anything left, if it's left.

I quickly went to my car and dialled maa's number as soon as I was in. She picked on the second ring, " Everything okay Prisha? "

" Ji maa. It's fine. Is he good? " I said, asking about aadi.

" Hmm, was waiting for your call, here... Mummaa. '' She said before handing the phone to aadi who was just as excited as he is everyday.

Sometimes I wish I could have some of his excitement to pass the day. The exciting part of the day is going home to him.

"Hnji bache.. Is aadi hungry? "
" Hmm.. Hung ly.. "
" Then give the phone to daadi and sit on the table, okay? "

" Yes,... daadi. " He said and went, I don't know where, to find his daadi
" Did he start? " I asked as maa took the phone.

" Yeah, he is eating. Remember to eat yours too. "
" Yes maa. " I replied and silence ensued for a while, only the sound of his mumbling filling the space.
" Are they there? " I couldn't help asking.

" Yeah, at the table, seeing him eat. "
" Oh. "

" When will you be back? "
" I'll see maa. Bye. "
" Bye. "

Hanging up the phone, I said to the driver to take me back to the office.

" Did everything go okay?" Baba said as soon as I entered the office, I had no idea how he knew when I'll arrive.

" Ji baba. It was okay. "
" Good then. See I told you, you'll do fine. " He said, patting my head. And I replied, "Yup you told me. Did you eat? "

" Nah, I was waiting for you. Come let's go. " Taking my hand he dragged me to the cafeteria for lunch without even bothering to ask if I had mine.


When we reached home, I stood outside the door, seeing me baba sighed before he told me, " They're gone. Left an hour ago. Come. "

He knew why I was waiting outside, he always knows. That is why it's difficult for me to forgive them. My parents never knew what I wanted, they never bothered to ask. I want to forgive them but there's a small part of me that wants nothing to do with them.

" Mummmaaa.. "

I heard as soon as I entered and all my thoughts turned to just one, my baby, bending my knees I opened my arms and he came running into me just like every time. Pecking his forehead I picked him up and I once again remembered that this is what I live for. His hugs, his happiness, and just him.


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