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Since Westley decided to be lame and catch the cold, the last few days have been boring. I began to dread going to school since my boyfriend hasn't been there to meet up between classes or kiss me in the morning.

After a few days of Westley being gone and me begging him to let me see him, he finally agrees. He's been too worried to spread his sickness to anyone, especially his siblings. So, he's been locked in his room, hacking and sneezing like crazy.

"I don't want to get you sick."

"I don't care." More school to miss for me if I do catch something. "My sister's in nursing school and makes me watch medical shows with her, so I'm practically a doctor."

Westley rolls his eyes at me, continuing to blow his running nose. He cringes when looking into the tissue before throwing it away. The boy sniffles, sighing at his nose becoming stuffy again. "I hate this."

I brush the hair from Westley's forehead, feeling his skin. The back of my hand remain there before moving to his neck, frowning at the warmth. I could probably fry an egg on his skin due to how high his temperature is. "You're burning up, baby."

"I feel cold." Westley holds his blanket closer to his body, craving the heat. I press my lips against his warm forehead, but only for a second, because my boyfriend shoves me away. "Stop! You're going to get sick. You shouldn't even be in here."

I scowl at his tone, but I know he doesn't mean to be bitter. He must be feeling like pure shit right now because he certainly looks like it. Dark bags hang from his red eyes. All color has drained from his face, making him appear pale and weak. Mucus drips from his nose, causing the boy to constantly wipe it away.

Westley still looks adorable, of course. However, I can definitely tell why he hasn't came to school .

"Do you want me to leave?"

Westley huffs, then shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry. Please stay." I smile at the beg in his weak, raspy voice. Oh my gosh, I should not be romanticizing his sick state. "But...what if you get sick?"

I shrug, "then I get sick. Oh well." Westley begins to protest, but I wave it off. I don't care if I get sick, I want to be here for Westley. His mom isn't here and his siblings are too young to properly care for him. Hell, if my sister wasn't busy, I'd asks her to come over to check in on him. "Have you eaten today?"

My boyfriend shakes his head. "I haven't left my bed." I nod in understanding, though I hate the fact his belly is empty.  "Can you...wait, nevermind."

I tilt my head, "what? Do you need me to get you something?" Wesley shrugs, making me frown in disapproval. Why won't he tell me what's wrong or help him? Have I done anything to make him not feel as if he can asks me for anything? "What's wrong? What do you need, baby? I'll get you anything."

The hesitation in Westley's face disappears, his face softening. He sniffles and clears his throat before speaking. "I think there's soup in the fridge...can you warm it up? If that's okay? You don't have to if you don't want to, I can do it."

He wants soup, that's all? Is he expecting me to be upset at him for wanting to do a simple tasks? "Sure, baby, of course." Westley thanks me, smiling weakly at me. Oh, how I wish I could kiss his sweet lips. It feels like forever since I've kissed him. I haven't once since he's gotten sick. "I'll never get mad at you for asking for something, alright?"

Westley nods, "I know, I'm sorry. I'm really trying to remind myself that you aren't like that." He rubs my knee, staring at me. Through the discomfort in his eyes, I find glints of adoration. I love the way he looks at me. I swear, if I never look into Westley's eyes, I wouldn't believe he likes me. "You're the sweetest boy ever."

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