Chapter 2

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Hey if I don't publish for awhile it's because I haven't been feeling good and I already got medicine but I hope you enjoy this chapter y'all stay hydrated and healthy.

_Y/n's POV_

I wake up in a strange place and in a strange room filled with medical stuff, as I get up from I realized  that I was really thirsty but I didn't want just anything. I didn't know what this urge of thirst came from then I felt the presence of someone,

the last thing I could remember was being attacked by the red eye woman. I tried to shift into my wolf form but I couldn't, why couldn't I shift? "What's happened to me?, Why can't I shift?" I asked the man with the man that was tall and I noticed that I saw with what seemed he has golden eyes and blond hair and his skin was pale like a corpse's skin.

He slowly walks up "I understand that you're confused, it's completely normal for what's happened to you." the man said with what seem like a calm gentle voice "What happened to me?, Why am I so thirsty?" I asked him and the man looks at me "We have some clothes for you, please change your clothes and me and my family will explain to you what's happing to you."

the blond man says and I just nod at him not wanting to arguing, I want to figure out what was happing to me. the tall blond man begins to walk out of the room "Oh and my name is Carlisle Cullen." he says to me with a gentle yet warm smile.

After I get changed into the clothes that the man gave me, he seems nice and somewhat handsome I thought to myself but soon my thoughts were interrupted someone who came in

but this person they felt different I felt their eyes on me and it felt weird, I felt butterflies.

I turned around and see another tall man with blond hair but not like Carlisle's hair it's honey like hair hair and it's not short like Carlisle's it fell above to his collar and yet muscular and he was beautiful and I didn't want to look away from him.

It seems like he was observing me and it made me feel weird. "Carlisle sent me to come get you." he says to me all I do is nod and hearing his southern voice was very attractive.

"Alright, let's go." I said walking to the door and look at him as he looks at me and turns to look at the door and reaches for the knob and opens the door. He walks out first I follow him from behind and observe my surroundings and keep my guard up ready for a fight if needed to be,

as I look around I noticed all things and looked like a nice house. Once again my thoughts were interrupted by the man with honey blond and his southern accent stops and look in front of him and I see a lot of people staring at me, a short girl with pixie like black hair right beside her was caramel like hair and she was beside Carlisle  and near them was a woman with wavy blond hair and very beautiful and beside her was a tall man and extremely muscular with dark hair.

"Jasper it's okay she won't hurt us." the girl says with pixie black hair he looks at her and then at Carlisle and he nods, and once Carlisle does that Jasper walks to the girl with pixie hair I'm guessing they're together.

I hear someone clearing their throat and look to see where it came from and I realized that it came from Carlisle "Welcome to our home this is my family, this is my wife Esme." he says Esme waves "Welcome." she says to me "and these are my children Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and you've already met Jasper. We have another son his name his Edward but he is on a trip with his girlfriend." Carlisle says with his gentle smile "Hello." I said trying to hold in my thirst "you have questions, we wanted to tell you that you changed after being attacked last night." Carlisle says I looked at him confused

"Changed?, Changed how?" I asked then silence fell and everyone look at each other "Have you heard of vampires? Emmett asked and everyone looks at him and Rosalie nudges him with her elbow and he looks at everyone "What? I just wanted to ask her if she heard of them." everyone rolls their eyes "Yeah, I have what about them?" I asked and Carlisle looks at me "Well since your attacked you have turned into one and you need to hunt, that's why you are so thirsty." I was shocked to hear what Carlisle said "W-what? It can't be I can't-" "We understand that this might be a shock to you but you're going to hunt with Jasper I've asked him to keep you company while you hunt." Carlisle says motioning to Jasper. 

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