- Chapter 1 -

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Hello everyone I just wanted to have a disclaimers that the only character's I own are the ones I made and not the original characters from Twilight, all rights to Stephanie making all of the Twilight characters. I hope you enjoy reading this and writing is probably going to be horrible but I hope you love it.
Birds flying away from the trees and the air is warm and thick, the sun shining through the trees I feel free just being around in the woods in my wolf form and all I could think about is that I wish I had the choice to marry or not. The worst part is that I have no idea who I will be marrying and I honestly don't care about power but my family does and I just wish I could get away, just get away from the power, the bloodline, and my family.

Once I reached the top of the hill I turned back into my human form, everytime I come up here I find peace and comfort,

somewhere I can be myself away from everyone else and I honestly don't feel like I belong here, like I'm my own outcast to my people and my family. After a few hours passed I decided to transform back Into my wolf form and head back home if that's what you call it. Once I get there I enter the house where I find my parents talking to the so called groom's parents,

Once I enter they stopped their chatting and look at me. "What's going on?" I asked them as they looked at me my father straighten up his posture and my mother looked down quickly and looked back up as she clears her throat. "Y/n I'm so glad you are here, we were just talking about your wedding." My mother said "Oh the wedding I don't want. That wedding!?" I said my father was not pleased with my reply or attitude towards the wedding.

"Y/n!" My father said as I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes and my mother just looked at the groom's parents with a fake smile hiding her embarrassment.

Once the groom's parents left my father stood up angry at my attitude towards the wedding. "How could you say that!" My father started "Do know how important this is, this is your future and you want to throw it away like that?!" He said.

I huffed and looked at both of my parents. "No y'all want this, you both want me to do this just for power and to keep the Blood pure!" I said to my parents with my voice slightly raised. " I don't want this marriage but y'all are making me." I finished, my mother walked up to me. "Sweetheart your father and I are looking out for you and your safety." She said to me while putting her hands on my shoulders, I just huffed again and turned around and ran back outside "Y/N!!" My father yelled my name but I ignored him and all the other voices telling me to come back, I didn't want to hear anything or anyone anymore I'm just tired of this wedding to whoever I'm marrying..

As hours passed and the sun rises I get out this nice wooded area and and head back home, once I come home and enter

my mother came up "There you are, you had me and your father worried sick, where were you?" She asked I honestly didn't know where I was "I had to clear my head mom, nothing to worry about it." My mother sighs "Well the Important thing is you're home and not late for your engagement party." She says with smile I didn't want to argue with her so I just hesitantly nod to her.

Later that night

Once my mother and the maids help her get me ready by force. I honestly didn't want to go to my engagement party this is honestly what they want, they don't care what I want they just want power and the blood to stay pure.

I looked into the mirror seeing myself in this long dark purple off the shoulder sleeve dress, it's honestly not my favorite but it's traditional to wear this dress. "Oh look at you, you're so gorgeous sweetheart." My mother said walking in "thanks mom" I said looking down with a sad smile my mom starts to fix my hair that they made curly and pin my hair up, I really didn't want to do this but it's like I have no choice. 

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