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I finished placing the food on the table and sighed. "Dad! Jennie unnie! The food's ready!" I said loudly and sat down to wait for them. Mom was in the kitchen preparing the dessert for us all. It's been so long since I've had a dessert made by mom. But I'm happy that she's making it today even if it's not specifically for me.

Dad patted my head before smiling at me and I smiled back. I was zoned out for a while. Mom also came and sat beside dad and after a few seconds, Jennie unnie also came. She sat down beside me and immediately her hand landed on my thigh. I flinched a little and tried to get her hand away from me before anyone else sees it but she won't let me.

"The food smells delicious Mom!" Jennie unnie said while smiling and mom smiled back at her. I wish she was like that with me too. All of us started eating and Jennie unnie's hand still remained laying on my thigh. I gave her a look when she started caressing it but she just smirked and winked at me. I have to get used to this now. I thought and tried to ignore the feeling of nervousness.

"So Y/n, tell me do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Dad asked and I chocked on my food when Jennie unnie squeezed my thigh. She realised that and immediately pulled her hand away and handed me a glass of water. "Here, drink this" She said softly and rubbed my back. I took a sip of it before looking at dad who was now looking worried.

"Sorry about that" I said and smiled awkwardly. "What else can we expect from you? You always ruin the mood" Mom said and I just hung my head. "Don't say that Y/m/n, she didn't did it purposely." Dad said and mom huffed. I tried my best to control my tears but it was impossible when my mom was the one talking like this about me. "Excuse me" I mumbled and my voice cracked before I rushed to my room.


"You shouldn't have said that to her. Now see, you made her cry" Dad said to mom. "Oh don't worry, she's always like this. Crying like a little kid on every single thing" Mom said harshly and my blood boiled. How can she say such things about my Y/n?

I stood up abruptly and purposely slammed my hands on the table. "I'm going to check her" I said and walked to our shared room. I opened the door quietly and saw her laying on her bed while hugging her stuffed bear and crying quietly. I tiptoed to her and laid my hand on her back comfortingly. "Hey sweet girl, don't cry" I said and laid beside her. She left her bear and hugged me instead burying her face in my neck.

"Why mom h-hates me?" She asked while sobbing and I held her tightly. "She doesn't hate you Y/n. Maybe she was just stressed about something and took it off on you?" I said and felt her shook her head. "She was talking normally to you and dad. But she a-always pushes me away. She doesn't love me" She said and I remained quiet knowing that she had a point.

I let her cry her heart out because I knew it wasn't just because of today, the hurt she's been feeling is from years and she has to let it out. I rubbed her back comfortingly and she calmed down a little. "I'm tired of pretending that I'm fine" She mumbled against my neck. "It really hurts when my own mother is like that with me. Am I not good enough? Am I really worthless?" She asked and pulled away to look at me with her puffy eyes.

"Baby, you're not worthless. Trust me, you're the best person in the world. You deserve all the love and respect and I promise to give you that and I'll never let anyone hurt you anymore" I said sincerely and she sniffled before pecking my cheek and hugged me again. "Keep holding me" She whispered and I nodded as I tightened my arms around her just a little while smiling.

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