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''Hey, are you able to walk? Hop on my back'' Yi-chan suggested to Ha-neul. 

''Don't worry, I lied about the police'' the student who had been holding be Do jin yesterday entered the room.

''Do jin won't forgive you if he finds out you tricked him'' Hyeon-yul said.

''Then I will call the police, my uncle is a police chief'' the student mentions smiling.

''Hey, you should've informed us before this happened'' Lee Shi-Kook mentioned, assessing the situation.

 ''Shouldn't we return this place to normal? The security guard will patrol in the morning,'' the student proposed upon seeing the mess. 

They started clearing the chaos that had unfolded. Meanwhile, Ha-neul sat on the ground with a paper towel, blood staining it. However, every time Eun-gyeol had the chance, he glanced at the girl.

''We should hurry; the patrol will start soon'' the student urged.

Finally, they left the place. Yi-chan and Hyeon-yul helped Ha-neul get up. ''Lean on me; I'll help you'' Hyeon-yul said, assisting the girl to stand.

''Are you okay? Feeling dizzy?'' Eun-gyeol asked, concerned. I'm fine'' she replied.

''Let's all go home, get some rest, and regroup at the school by 12:00'' Ma-joo suggested. 

''Do you want us to go home looking like this?'' Se-bum asked, noticing their appearance. Eventually, they agreed.

They would go take showers or something similar, and Ha-neul insisted on going home to take a shower. After some insistence, they accepted. 

As she said, Ha-neul entered her house; her parents didn't notice her coming in, so she went straight upstairs, showered, and fell asleep. The next morning, feeling better, she put on her uniform and headed to school.

 At the entrance, she met Se-kyeong and walked towards her; they greeted each other. ''Hey, at the festival, will you choose Eun-gyeol?'' Ha-neul asked, expecting a probable 'yes.' However, the smile on her face faded upon hearing Se-kyeong's response, ''No, I don't think so," Se-kyeong said, then continued walking, leaving Ha-neul standing there. She felt a moment of oddness, but then brushed it off and went back to her classes.

The girl stepped outside and took in the vibrant posters plastered all around. As she glanced around, it dawned on her, it was festival day. Suddenly, a voice stopped her; it was Yi-chan donning the 'Watermelon sugar' shirt. ''want to check out our school?'' he beamed.

''I need to go back to school, for an extra class,''she replied.

 ''Why did you come so early, then?'' Yi-chan inquired. 

''Just wanted to see the decorations and all,'' she answered, a smile gracing her lips.

''Will you be at the performance later?'' Yi-chan asked.

''Definitely,'' she affirmed.

''Make sure you show up and give me loads of support,'' he urged.

 ''I'll just be rooting for you,'' she replied, smiling.

''Hey, I'm really sorry you got hurt because of me. Thank you very much,''  the guy said before hugging her. The girl wasn't expecting it; her heart was racing, It wasn't because of pain but rather a strange mix of emotions.

''I'll head off,'' the guy said, pulling away and bidding goodbye with a big smile.

The girl tried to get out of her extra class as quickly as possible to make it to the festival. She found a seat beside Se-kyeong.

 The girl who always accompanied Se-kyeong was about to sit down, but Ha-neul swiftly moved forward and sat down, letting out an ''Oops.''

 "Se-kyeong!" the girl exclaimed, seeing Ha-neul had taken the seat faster. 

''She got here first; you should have arrived earlier, sorry," Se-kyeong said without paying much attention.

''Doesn't it tired you, that she is always glued to you'' the girl asked.

''She talks a lot.'' Se-kyeong said, and they both laughed. The band appeared, the lights dimmed, and the stage lights turned on. They started playing: it was amazing how well the band played their instruments. Everyone applauded; eventually, the audience stood up, began to jump and clap. Despite Se-kyeong's denial, a smile escaped her when she saw Eun-hyeol playing. The girl was also smiling.

''Our last song is dedicated to a girl, to the one who... '' Yi-chan began to say, but Ha-neul couldn't hear more. The crowd around her caused a feeling of suffocation; her breathing became labored, and her heart started to ache. Without saying anything else to Se-kyeong, she left the place while Se-kyeong called after her. The number of people made her feel suffocated.

The young woman left the place in silence, desperately looking for respite. Upon returning to the hospital, the news was not alarming: his heart condition was deteriorating. She spent hours undergoing tests and adjustments to his medication, without being able to contact his parents, who were immersed in work. As night fell, her expression turned grim. And just at that moment, she crossed paths with Yi-chan.

''Hello? Where you come from? Why didn't you come to the show today?" Yi-chan inquired with a smile.

''Coming from the hospital. Maybe you were too absorbed watching Se-kyeong that you didn't notice me. Anyway, I left quickly. You know, being surrounded by too many people overwhelms me. I have a heart condition, so you shouldn't be around me right now. I'm sick,'' she said, her voice tense with strain.

''Are you even listening to yourself? Why have you been helping our band then? Why have you been helping me, why did you agree to be friends, why did you save me that day?'' Yi-chan's smile faded as he questioned her.

''The festival's over. I helped because something compelled me. It wasn't for any other reason. And as I said, my heart problems... it wouldn't be right for you to associate with me. We live in different worlds,'' she continued, the weight of her words evident.

''What are you saying? Is there a problem if I hang around you?'' Yi-chan responded, clearly puzzled by the conversation.

''Maybe at any moment my heart could stop beating, I could die... and then everyone would feel sorry for me. But if you don't associate with me, maybe it won't affect you,'' she confessed, revealing her inner torment. 

Before she could say more, Yi-chan placed a hand on her shoulder, ''Don't say anything else,'' he said softly and hugged her for the second time. She didn't say anything more, not returning the embrace. Their hearts beat once again, hers and Yi-chan's, in the same rhythm as before.

After the embrace, Yi-chan held her at arm's length, his gaze unwavering.

''You're right about one thing'' he began, his voice steadies yet laced with sincerity. ''Our worlds might differ, but that doesn't change a thing. Your heart condition doesn't define you to me, I've seen you for who you are, beyond any illness or difference.''

He paused, watching her closely, before continuing. '' I don't care about any potential outcome. Whether it's for a short while or for years to come, being part of your life means something to me. It's not about pity or fear, it's about being there because I want to.''

Yi-chan's words hung in the air, carrying an earnestness that matched the gravity of the moment. He glanced at her once more, hoping his sincerity would resonate with her despite the challenges they faced.


Enchanted / Twinkling WatermelonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя