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The girl, upon hearing that, remained silent. She lowered her head and left without knowing what to say.

The next day, someone knocked on the door. Her parents were not home, so when she opened it, she was surprised to see Eun-gyeol. Confused by his presence, she ushered him inside.

He suggested she join them on a camping trip with the band, it was going to go also  Se-Kyeong, and Cheong-Ah, as they in the camping they will gonna in writing a song. The girl declined, ''Why don't you come with us? Is for Yi-chan?'' the boy said. 

''It's not about that. I'm just busy,'' she replied.

''You know, Se-Kyeong didn't pick anyone at the festival. You should come...'' the boy started to say, but the girl interrupted, ''You told me to stay away from him, so why are you suddenly being kind?'' she retorted.

''Don't be like this, just come camping with us. Se-Kyeong and Cheong-Ah are going too.''

''Yes, but we're talking about me now, and I'll be busy. I decide what to do and what not,'' the girl asserted. After a while, the boy left, leaving the girl lost in thought.

The next morning, the girl saw a lone cat. Without hesitation, she ran to the store to buy it some food, hoping to find it still there. Upon arriving, she confirmed it was still there and, with a smile, left the food for it.

At night, the house phone began to ring. Ha-Neul hurried down the stairs to answer. On the other end, she heard, ''Ha-Neul, it's Eun-Gyeol. Could you come to the practice room, please? It's really urgent...'' The boy spoke abruptly and hung up before she could respond. She dashed to the practice room and found Yi-Chan waiting for her.

''I'm sorry, I asked Eun-Gyeol because I thought you wouldn't come if I asked,'' Yi-Chan started, and she sighed, understanding his intent. ''At first, I wanted us to be friends. You agreed and even saved me from the blow. You can't make my heart race and just abandon me. How could you not join the camping trip? How can you be so cruel? I was going to sing for you at the festival, but you left just as I was about to do it. And if you can't come to the camp, I'll have to do it here.''

''Look at this, this is a presentation just for you,'' the boy said, grabbing the guitar from the floor. He began to play and sing, ''Would you believe me? In my dreams, you're an enchanted princess. I always try to reach you and face all kinds of difficulties, but I'm always determined to save you once more. I join my hands and pray for infinite courage and wisdom. If I pass the magical castle and the swamp, I see you in the distance in the dark cave. Try to take my hand now; I can feel that our bodies float. You won't be surprised when we fly freely in the sky, with the world unfolding before us...''

As he sang, suddenly he stopped; he had forgotten the guitar chords. 'Wait a moment,' he said, going to his notebook to check the chords. This time, unexpectedly, it was she who hugged him. Eun-Gyeol watched, not entirely content because it wasn't what he expected, but he was about to discover the reason she wasn't the destined one for Yi-Chan in the future.

''Thank you so much for all of this, but from afar, I can see that you still like Se-kyeong'' the girl softly uttered, her words carrying a hint of pain. It was a bittersweet admission, something she had held within her for a while, or at least that's what she thought.

The atmosphere turned heavy; a palpable silence lingered in the air, laden with unspoken emotions. Eun-Gyeol glanced between the two, a mix of surprise and realization dawning on him. He could sense the depth of emotions swirling around, a tangled web of feelings that he hadn't fully comprehended until that moment.

The girl, with a faint smile masking her inner turmoil, stepped back, trying to distance herself from the heartache she felt. Yi-Chan, standing there with his own thoughts and unexpressed emotions.

The room seemed to shrink with the weight of their unspoken words, leaving an ache that lingered in the atmosphere. It was a conversation that was both necessary and painful, a turning point in their unspoken connection.



Enchanted / Twinkling WatermelonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora