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Ha-neul's consciousness began to return as she slowly opened her eyes, finding herself face to face with Yi-chan. She sat up quickly, but he gently stopped her.

''You're in the hospital, for you, remember?'' Yi chan asked. Memories of the painful heartbeats moments before flooded back to her. She realized that the guy she was with before wasn't Yi-chan.

''Where's the other guy? Ha-neul asked.

''Oh, he took you to the hospital, but then he told me you passed out, so he left, and I came'' he explained, ha-neul nodded, processing the information.

''I'm sorry for getting mad the other day, sorry for shouting, I didn't know you have heart problems.'' Yi-chan apologized humbly, bowing his head. While ha-neul suspected that his apologies might be out of pity, she tried to get up, but Yi-chan gently stopped her again.

''They said to stay here and not move.'' The nurse called the guy, and he went with her.

While Yi-Chan was away talking to the nurse, Ha-Neul took the opportunity to leave a meticulously written note: ''Cheong-Ah gave me the ticket the other day, you probably know her. I already had a ticket, but she insisted I take it. I suppose now I know who gave it to her, Se-Kyeong. As she had two tickets, I decided to leave you one, but what I didn't know is that there was a note written. I'm so sorry for that, sorry for messing things up. I won't appear before you anymore, and please thank your friend who took me to the hospital.''

After leaving the hospital, Ha-neul started walking, but Yi-chan grabbed her arm. ''Give me the chance to apologize. I'm sorry for being wrong, I'm really sorry'' he said.

''Stop apologizing,'' Ha-neul requested.

''Are you hungry?'' We should grab a meal together; you need to take your medicine,'' Yi-chan suggested. 

''I'm not hungry'' Ha-neul responded, but Yi-chan stopped her again.

''Can't you forgive me? Can't you think about it while eating? Aren't you hungry?'' he insisted.

''I told you o'm not hungry'' Ha-neul replied, but she eventually found herself in a small restaurant with him. As she watched him eat, Yi-chan, feeling her gaze, commented ''You're not hungry?''

''I thought I made that clear earlier,'' Ha-Neul responded.

After dinner, Yi-Chan accompanied her home, as it was already nighttime. ''Alright then, eat well, make sure to take your medicine, recover soon, and grow super strong,'' he wished her, making a muscle gesture and making her laugh.

 ''Your smile is very lovely. Goodbye then,'' he said.

Before getting too far, Yi-Chan quickly interrupted her. ''Hey, do you know Ha Eun-Gyeol?'' he asked. 

''Oh, yes, the other day he asked me what year we were in,'' Ha-Neul said.

''Oh, well, he's a bit strange,'' Yi-Chan commented. 

''Well, now that we've had dinner together, we're friends from now on,'' he said before leaving, jumping with excitement. Ha-Neul just looked at him with a smile.

The following, day, as Ha-neul made her way home, she encountered the familiar figure of Yi-chan, who was busy putting posters with Eun-Gyeol's face. Reconizing him immediately,  Ha-neul approached to inquire about the situation.

Yi-Chan confessed that he was having difficulty reaching Eun-gyeol, as if he had disappeared.  Ha-Neul offered her help in distributing the posters. 

Soon, a call came through to the number on the posters, revealing that they knew where Eun-Gyeol was but would only disclose it for a reward. Despite initial reservations, Yi-Chan agreed, and they arranged a meeting place.

Ha-Neul suggested accompanying him, and despite Yi-Chan's initial reluctance, he accepted her company. Together, they ran toward the agreed-upon location, which was already shrouded in the darkness of the night upon arrival. 

However, their arrival was far from welcome as they encountered a band that exuded hostility. It was evident that it was a carefully laid trap.

''Go,'' insisted Yi-Chan as the band approached. 

''I won't leave,'' replied Ha-Neul with determination. Faced with imminent threat, Yi-Chan urged Ha-Neul to leave, concerned for her safety. Convinced that she couldn't leave him alone, Ha-Neul ran for help, choosing to contact the police upon hearing suspicious noises.

 Although her heart pounded and the pain returned, she rushed along the road, but tragedy loomed over her.

Unaware of the danger, an approaching car at high speed caught her attention. Ha-Neul froze on the spot, and in an instant, she felt the overwhelming impact. The resulting agony brought her to the ground, losing consciousness as the chaotic sounds of her surroundings swirled around. Amid the confusion, she could only lament not being able to do anything for Yi-Chan.


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