Chapter 11 - Admire

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STRETCHING your arms, you jumped out of the bed

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STRETCHING your arms, you jumped out of the bed. You glanced down and saw Jack still fast asleep in his bed.

Such a cutie, you mused.

You glanced at the clock, and sweat dropped.

6 AM.

This is the first time you actually woke up this early. Maybe it's because you had to sleep at 8 PM yesterday.

You normally sleep at 1 AM, and if your parents and Lia aren't watching, you will stay up till 4 AM reading the romance novels Lucy borrowed you.

Sleeping wasn't really your thing, despite needing to have enough rest with your five-year-old body. You were still mentally seventeen, though?

Never mind that. You debated whether to wake Jack up or not.

You were quite bored, but you didn't want to disturb his sleep since he's sleeping so peacefully.

Because you would literally POUNCE on the person who dared to wake you up from your peaceful sleep.

That reminded you of that moment when you accidentally threw a lamp towards an attendant who was told to wake you up because you slept till 5 PM. Poor guy shrieked every time you approached him. Luckily, you apologized and are on good terms. He is now one of the attendees who is literally devoted to you and adores you.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the door open, revealing Jack's mother, Cindy.

She smiled. "Good morning, [Y/n]."

You grinned brightly and lifted your hands in the air. "Good morning, Ms. Howl!"

Cindy chuckled as she walked up, sat on Jack's bed, and patted your head. "You can just call me Aunt or just Cindy."

You blinked a few times, processing what she said before smiling. "Okay, Aunt Cindy!" You exclaimed.

She laughed. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm! Like a rock!"

"Haha! That's good to hear."

The sound of groaning made both of you perk up. You glanced downwards and saw Jack stir awake in his futon. Cute, you mused.

Jack fluttered his eyes open and sat up as he rubbed his eyes tiredly and glanced at the two of you.

You giggled as you sat beside him enthusiastically. "Morning, Jack-san!"

Jack's breath hitched, and his eyes widened slightly as he fully woke up. "Ah.. [Y/n]-san.. Good morning." He greeted as he yawned while his hand hovered over his mouth.

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