Chapter 8 - Failed Teleportation

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YOU let out a small yelp after you felt a huge weight on you from behind. You glanced at the culprit from your eye corner and saw a lock of white hair, immediately recognizing the person. A smile made its way to your face.

"Kalim-san, hello!" You exclaimed.

Kalim tilted his head to face you while still keeping his arms wrapped around your shoulders and grinned. "Hello, [N/n]-chan! Sorry for keeping you waiting! My attendants were getting me ready for quite a while." He sweat dropped before squeezing his cheeks against yours and tightening his hold. "But here I am!"

Cough. Cough.

You two were cut off when a cough was heard. The two of you glanced in front of you and saw an annoyed Jamil.

Before Kalim came, you bumped into Jamil, and he led you to the living room and served you your favorite sweets while the two of you conversed.

A small irk mark appeared on Jamil's forehead as he gave a tight smile. "Kalim, why don't you taste these sweets?"

Kalim's eyes sparkled as he gave a bright smile and let go of you. "Woah! These look so good!" He grabbed one and ate it.

You hummed as you took another bite out of a heart-shaped cookie. "Right? Jamil-san never fails to amaze!"

Jamil puffed out his chest in pride and smirked as he blushed. "Thank you, [Y/n]."

These past weeks, you and Jamil became much closer. Every time you came to the Asim Palace, Jamil would be waiting by the entrance and led you to the living room with many sweets on the table.

Jamil would always spoil you with the food and sweets he makes, and he loved your presence. You never realise how important you are to him and how much he adores you.

He even finally introduced you to his parents and younger sister. And his parents grew to like you, of course. They both became quite loving towards you after you showed them how much you respected them.

And his younger sister Najma, who is just about 3 years old, also liked you. She instantly became open and accustomed to you and loved playing with you.

After the gala, Jasim has taken a liking to you and enjoyed teasing you playfully. He also found you amusing and liked spending time with you. This is why he often visits your mansion in his free time. He is a prince, so he can't always visit, but he tries to stay in contact by writing letters daily.

Jasim is often very stoic, serious, rude, and wouldn't show his emotions on his face. It was a huge surprise to his parents when he acted very differently around you. He wouldn't shut up about you and always bring you up in, like, any conversation.

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