Chapter 3738

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If you try an operation that no one has done from the beginning, you may not be able to cross the river by touching the other party's stone, and the risk is even greater.

  The cost of a failed operation is too high, and safety must be the first priority.

   "Well. Do you think it can be done?" Ren Zhelun asked.

   "Brother, you have already asked me, of course I can do it." Xie Wanying replied.

  Mi Siran and the others were once again glad that they didn't interrupt, because they almost missed the meaning of the leader again.

   What Mr. Ren asked was not whether anyone can perform this operation, but whether K can achieve the level of B company's products.

   Not being praised by Junior Sister Youtiao, Ren Zhelun continued to ask: "You just tried it, do you feel that it is not as good as others?"

  Others can feel that Mr. Ren's question is getting more and more "outrageous". The non-medical question he asked should be a mechanical engineering question.

If you want to be a medical tycoon with a long history of innovation, it is impossible to only talk about medical issues within the scope of medicine, but to talk about issues that intersect between medicine and other disciplines.

  For example, at the last closing meeting, a bunch of bigwigs studied artificial vascular materials, and most of the non-pure medical issues were discussed.

   Xie Wanying talked about the flaws in a pragmatic manner: "There must be some places that are not as good as the other party. For example, the structure of the robotic arm is not as good as others."

  The design of the robotic arm is not simply to connect several sticks to move, but to consider factors such as the load-bearing force of each part, the rotation speed, the rotational inertia, etc., so that the "stick" can move accurately.

  The design of the robotic arm needs to refer to our human hands in order to perform operations like a surgeon. This is biomimicry that is often heard.

  Human hands are also not simply connected by a few sticks. There are as many bare bones from the upper arm to the fingers, as many muscle groups, and as many joints. The nerves and blood vessels controlled inside are networked, and there are as many as there are. It first connects the spine to the brain.

  The linkage between the human brain and limbs has the famous Konstam phenomenon, which is called the automatic floating of the arm. After the human hand is pressed against the wall for forty to sixty seconds, it is naturally lowered, and the arm is raised again by itself. The seemingly weird signs seem to be manipulated by ghosts, but they are actually an involuntary movement of the human body. If you dig deeper, you will find that the signal from the brain needs a process of decay before it goes out. It can be understood as the damping phenomenon of "inertia" like the human body.

  The movement of the robotic arm belongs to the movement of objects. Anyone who has studied physics knows that objects have inertia when they move. It is not easy to stop an object suddenly.

  Looking at the reason why the robotic arm repeatedly touched the arm during the operation of Dr. Lin Hao just now, it cannot be said that it is purely the fault of Dr. Lin Hao. Because the machine is made to lower the threshold of use, Dr. Lin Hao is not bad in all aspects such as brain and hands-on ability, and he is a master of surgery. Dr. Lin Hao's difficulty in using it shows that there are some problems with this machine.

  Actually, she observed that Dr. Lin Hao might not be in such a bad situation if he tried the products of Company B.

  Referring to the human body again, not everyone has the Konstam phenomenon. This is due to the fact that people have a powerful brain that can then send inhibitory signals to the limbs. Some people can't fully relax, which is a phenomenon that experiments simply fail.

  Another special situation is that there is a problem with the brain, such as Parkinson's disease patients, the brain signal is abnormal, which leads to the severe Kostam phenomenon, and involuntary shaking that cannot stop.

  Put it on the robotic arm, if the electronic control system fails, it will keep shaking. Just observed all the way down the situation is the opposite, the electronic control system is normal.

   Ren Zhelun's face changed when he heard this.

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