Chapter 3643 : What luck

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"Thank you, Doctor Zuo." Knowing the family name, Xie Wanying added a sentence of thanks with the title.

  Hearing her polite thank you again, Dr. Zuo, besides feeling at ease, looked at her face again that was too young and too stable to match her personality.

  Turning around, Xie Wanying thanked the other person, and said respectfully: "Thank you, Senior Brother Ren."

  As the saying goes, it is better to see once than to hear. I've heard voices on the phone and heard people talk a lot, why don't the two meet now and see each other clearly.

  In all fairness, Senior Brother Ren is not tall and not handsome. However, people talk about temperament, and Senior Brother Ren has an amazing impression that he will be handsome if he shoots. It's a pity that Senior Brother Ren's poisonous tongue is so deep in the city, it is absolutely impossible to show his hand easily to others.

  Ren Zhelun listened to her call her senior brother, and kept silent, his eyes were not surprised to see the nickname he had given her before: Junior Sister Wanwan, Old Youtiao.

   It can only be said that after seeing it with my own eyes, the title of her old fritters will be confirmed even more.

  In the face of critically ill patients in the emergency department, regardless of the technology, this mentality is comparable to that of an old doctor. Behavior and affairs are even more polite and restrained like old fritters, advancing and retreating.

   "Doctor Xie." Nurse Yang shouted outside, urging her to come out and make up the doctor's order.

   Xie Wanying said: "Brother, I will go to treat the patient first." Then she turned around and rushed out without anyone talking.

   Obviously, she understands the rules of clinical conduct better than anyone else, and knows whether to offend people or not.

   There must be work to do. Xie Wanying didn't even have to think about it, if she stayed any longer, she was afraid that Senior Brother Ren would directly call her nonsense. The way to get along with the big boss is that when the big boss doesn't tell you that he wants to listen to you, you'd better not put your head on the cold ass. It's not because you're afraid of humiliating yourself, or it might make the big boss treat your career If there is a doubt about the quality, do things silently to be the most stable.

  When Nurse Yang saw her coming out, she immediately stuck to her ear and made a small report: "Director Zhang is also back tonight."

  What's your luck tonight? The bosses come back one by one?

  Xie Wanying's eyeballs quietly rolled around a few times.

   "Do you know what's going on, Dr. Xie?" Seeing her calm expression, Nurse Yang expressed surprise. How does she know what she didn't say? Could it be that she has turned into a roundworm in Mr. Zhang's stomach.

   Touching Big Brother Zhang's head, how dare she dare, she's afraid she will die.

   What a doctor can touch is the patient's condition.

  Looking back at the wall clock on the wall, it is almost five o'clock, and in the early morning, the ancient folks said that Yin and Yang alternate, and the time when King Yan Luo loved his life most. In any case, it is a fact that it is often seen in clinical practice that some seriously ill patients cannot survive this period of time.

   "You mean, there are patients to be rescued, so Director Zhang is back." Nurse Yang understood what she meant, and she thought it was the same reason. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhang Huayao to run back to the hospital in the middle of the night and toss around. Unless Zhang Huayao came back to meet apprentice Ren, it was an accident that Ren Zhelun didn't greet anyone before he came back tonight.

  Which patient made Mr. Zhang rush back to the hospital without sleeping? I think Mr. Zhang is a great doctor who is the leader, regardless of ordinary patients.

  Guozhi's VIP wards are often full. Nurse Yang couldn't guess for a moment which VIP patient had a big problem and made Mr. Zhang run back to the hospital.

   "Doctor Xie, do you know which patient it is?" Nurse Yang asked.

  Guo Zihao interjected: "I know, it should be that Director Qi. Doctor Xie told his family members earlier that he asked his family members to spend the next two days leisurely in the hospital with the old man."

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