Chapter 3679 : Chewy

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Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. After I came, I found that someone's popularity was incredible.

  What makes an "old doctor" willing to believe a young doctor's words.

   I heard that one started from the National Association, and the other started from Beidu.

   Absolutely, it can make competitors say such things.

  Ren Zelun turned back slowly, pushed open the door of Mr. Zhang's office and entered.

  The group of people at the scene, no matter what the purpose of the playboy, they only know that the other party has opened the next story of the surgical robot, and they are all listening attentively, and have no time to pay attention to whether anyone is passing by.

  Just look, Nurse Guo Zihao, Li, and the others who were about to come to work saw a familiar figure giving a lecture, and immediately ran over to take the class.

  When it comes to orthopedic surgery robots, what Xie Wanying wants to say is: "Difficult."

  Chang Jiawei never thought that her evaluation would be the word first, and his eyelids flew up in surprise: "You say it's difficult, huh? What's wrong with the orthopedic robot? How is it different from other surgical robots?"

"Has Mr. Chang come into contact with surgical robots?"


   "But Mr. Chang has somewhat understood its basic structure." Xie Wanying pointed out.

  Chang Jiawei nodded, he must have understood it. Medicine is in the technological frontier field of development, as long as it is a clinical leader who is devoted to medicine, it will definitely focus on it.

  Surgical robot is a practical product, not a basic science. It relies on the basic technology of basic science, so it is similar with minor differences and has unified advantages and disadvantages. It has been mentioned above that surgical robots have numerous advantages over laparoscopic surgery, but now we have to say that it has a disadvantage compared with laparoscopic surgery.

   "The robotic arm of the surgical robot has many joints and is flexible enough, which is its strength." Xie Wanying said.

  Others' eyes dimmed: What, strengths are also weaknesses?


"For example, when we lightly touch fish or stone with a chopstick, the soft and hard feelings of the two can be quickly transmitted back from the chopsticks to our hands to form a sense of touch and pressure. If you take a nine-section stick Is it difficult to distinguish the softness and hardness of the two things through the touch of the nine-section stick when the head of the stick gently touches the fish or the stone?"

   All around suddenly fell into a state of silence.

  Mi Siran thought: Sister Xie said a few words, often the amount of information in it is too much, remember not to take it lightly to avoid ignoring the key points in it.

  Mi Wenlin: This is not a simple college entrance examination reading question. The words of the senior sister should include a huge knowledge base such as anatomy and physics.

  Zhang Shuping was drenched in sweat: How do you feel, learning from Teacher Xie is more difficult than learning from my uncle, it's too bad, I don't have enough books when I go home, I need a library!

  Pan Shihua and Lin Hao met each other's eyes: Every time such a moment just made them realize more deeply the feeling of never being able to catch up with classmate Xie.

   "Hmm." Chang Jiawei started from the academic topic, with an extremely serious expression, remembering the scene of the surgery with her, and don't forget the correct academic attitude that a senior should have.

   Facing everyone's silence, Xie Wanying has no doubt that everyone can understand what she said, because everyone in front of them is a bully.

  As the younger brother said, the sense of touch and pressure belongs to the knowledge of human anatomy, and the departments involved include dermatology and neurosurgery, which are well-known and not difficult to guess.

   Let me tell you some cold facts, the human skin is very magical, not a simple piece of skin. After the skin is deeply damaged, only its own skin graft can be done instead of other materials.

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