Chapter 3614 : Differences

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  The patient's daughter said: "Doctor, you don't know that if you don't give her something to eat, she will lose her temper if she is unhappy. When you were away, she just grabbed my hand and beat me."

   Even so, you can't give her food, you can come to our doctor for help.

  The patient's daughter said again: "Doctor, don't look at my mother looking at you like her first love, she will still beat you when she wants to eat."

  Is it useful to have a handsome first love who looks like a patient? He was stabbed in the back anytime.

  If you look back at this moment, you will see a devil-like smile hidden in the old lady's child-like expression.

  Clinically, there are some elderly patients whose brains can degenerate to the point where they are more reckless than children. When encountering this kind of patient, people can always say that they can't meet them.

   "Mom, did you hear that, the doctor said before that you won't be allowed to eat." The patient's daughter bent down and said to the patient.

  The old lady said: "He never said that."

   "He said it."


  Dr. Pan Shihua: …

   "Listen to the doctor again, the doctor has told you not to eat it now."

   "He didn't say."

   "The doctor is going to confiscate the grapes."

   "He didn't say not to eat it."

   "He said it!" The patient's daughter was very angry.

  The old lady grabbed her daughter's hand.

   "Did your doctor see it? She's going to beat me." The patient's daughter shouted at the doctor.

   "Doctor Pan. Come here." Doctor Wang said.

  Pan Shihua followed Dr. Wang out silently. In the past, there was a teacher to take care of it, so it is ok to leave this kind of unsolvable problem to the teacher. It is no longer today, and they have to bear all the responsibilities themselves.

   "Are you going to work on the first day today?" Dr. Wang pointed at him and said, "Keep your spirits up, you should have expected these situations long ago."

  Before, the patient's daughter had fooled Dr. Pan with two or three sweet words, thinking that the family members had told his doctor all about the patient's past situation, but it turned out that there was nothing at all.

   It is also because of his lack of clinical experience that he failed to take precautions in advance. In fact, if elderly diabetic patients are mixed with Alzheimer's disease, it is most common that family members want to cooperate with doctors on the issue of blood sugar control of patients. If there is a plan for this situation, what should be done is to remind the nurses as soon as possible, and let the nurses go on patrol frequently and stop them in time, instead of waiting until it is too late for others to find out.

  Look at him now, of course he was criticized by his seniors.

   To be a good doctor is like this, you have to be stabbed, stabbed, scolded and scolded to accumulate enough experience points.

   "You are a top student of the National Association of China." Dr. Wang told him this sentence again meaningfully.

   It is encouragement and spur, and he will blush when he is stabbed.

   Qi Yunfeng looked at it, as if he saw himself in those young people, with endless aftertaste.

  Among these young doctors, including him Qi Yunfeng back then, there is obviously someone who is different.

   Xie Wanying walked to the nurse station and said to the nurse, "Give me a thermometer."

   "Does Dr. Xie want to take the temperature of hospital bed No. 3?" Guo Zihao immediately raised his head and asked.

   Is the young patient with a fever.

  Guo Zihao told her: "I just measured him, and the fever has subsided a lot, down to 37 degrees two."

   "He's going to have a fever again. I'll put a thermometer next to his bed so he can measure it when he's free."

Hey? Guo Zihao felt that his brain could not keep up with Dr. Xie's rhythm again.

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