Chapter 3580 : Don't underestimate

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  The last sentence is the key point.

  The eyes of the old man lit up.

   After the young female doctor came to the plane, she ignored him directly, indicating that she really didn't know what kind of patient she was going to pick up.

  He was indeed diagnosed with pneumonia in the hospital where he had been treated before.

  Pneumonia needs oxygen inhalation, not necessarily. Oxygen inhalation is the need for oxygen inhalation for hypoxia, not for pneumonia. Oxygen inhalation is needed only when pneumonia causes hypoxia. It is completely unnecessary to inhale oxygen in the absence of hypoxia, and a cautious doctor may even be afraid that the patient will become oxygen poisoned.

  So this is why he has doubts about what the young female doctor said. The previous doctor did not give him oxygen.

  His pneumonia is not serious, and it seems that the current situation is not serious in the eyes of the original doctor.

  Transfer to the hospital in the capital for treatment was obviously a request from some people who cared about him very much. If he had to say it himself, this little ailment was nothing serious, taking care of it was too much of a fuss.

   It can be known that the ambulance was definitely not called by him himself, but someone else made an appointment for him. So he can open his mouth and say to give up the ambulance to other patients. actually called almost

  As a doctor, Xie Wanying can see these signs immediately. Undoubtedly, the patient in front of me is a man of high moral standing, and he has experienced great storms and waves in most of his life and is used to being strong. This kind of patient is the easiest to not take the disease seriously.

  In the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, following Brother Tao, she often encountered such patients, which gave her some experience and confidence in how to deal with them.

  Being sincere to such a patient is like treating a child. It is better to show your professional skills and make the other party admire you. This will make it easier for the patient to compromise and obey the doctor's words like a child.

   "I haven't heard what you said." The old man chattered.

  No matter what silent hypoxemia or interstitial pneumonia, all, the previous doctor never told him a word. Where did the conclusion of this young female doctor come from?

  The outline of Xie Wanying's mouth was drawn, and the next sentence to the patient was very meaningful: "You come to the capital for medical treatment, and the capital is the National Medical Center. You know Guozhi's reputation."

   As a last resort, I used the authority of the hospital where Mr. Zhang works to show off and scare. Doctors in the capital should not be underestimated.

  The old man seemed to stare blankly at her with his quiet gaze, and then he suddenly laughed out loud, with a cough accompanied by a cough in his throat.

  The entourage was nervous and shouted: "Chairman."

  Guo Zihao's face tensed: This person is called the chairman, and he may be a very important figure. It's just that I don't know which company's chairman it is for the time being.

  If the patient and the people around the patient don't tell, who dares to ask. The front-line medical staff at the grassroots level would not be so curious about this and ask people directly. Anyway, the leader who asked them to pick up the patients must know. Whether or not to let them know that leaders have their own discretion, they don't need to ask too much.

  Just do your job well. Smart front-line employees will not allow themselves to actively get involved in right and wrong.

  Take the oxygen tube, and Xie Wanying puts it on the patient herself.

  Oxygen inhalation is equivalent to airflow rushing into the nasal cavity, which is somewhat uncomfortable and abnormal, causing some patients to resist oxygen inhalation. The medical staff can only persuade patiently and patiently. Hypoxemia does not inhale oxygen, it is really easy to cause damage to the blood system, cardiopulmonary and brain functions. Patients should not think that they are not feeling well at this stage. If it takes a little longer, the serious illness will directly knock you into a coma and kill you.

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