{Vacation pt 1}

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[Hiya! Flufy here! Just know I am not going be speaking in third person anymore. And I write on computer now, whoo-hoo! That means longer stories! Also, I may or may not be uploading every other day now. But since I have a working brain, I can get tired, so don't be expecting me to go to my promise every time. Okay enough chit-chat and into the story!]

Death Pact Again was your regular pacifist group, stopping deaths every now and then. But people sometimes exploit their pacifist saying. So, recently they took a break on stopping deaths for a week. And boy did heck break lose. Everyone killing each other left and right, friends reviving each other over and over again. Two tried to stop it but gave up after 22 times. (Pun intended) After a full week of murder went by, Death Pact Again finally started stopping deaths again. Disarming objects, and sometimes separating objects who aren't "great" with one another in a 2-mile radius. Death Pact Again had a lot to do and was very busy outside of challenges. Fanny was very upset about that. Instead of calling Bubble and having a 3-hour talk, it got reduced down to 20 minutes and sometimes even not even calling each other at all! So right after being busy for a full MONTH, Fanny decided to go on a vacation.

Fanny walked into the living room of their hotel place and stepped in the middle of the room.

"HEY GUYS IM LEAVING!", she yelled.

"Cool, we're not stopping ya.", Tree said.

"Where are you going Fanny?", Marker asked.

"Uhh, I DONT KNOW!", Fanny replied.

"She is probably going to visit Bubble.", Black Hole guessed.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW!?", Fanny said surprised.

"Woah that was just a guess, chill.", Black Hole said in their monotone voice.

With that, Fanny left the hotel with a bag of items and starting heading to who-knows-where. Because she was not stupid, she brought her phone and used object maps. (No copyright 4 me! [also pun intended]) Fanny walked to a bus station and waited for a bus. After about 10 minutes, a bus finally arrived. Once she stepped on the bus, she paid for the drive to the Pilary Ruins.

{Bubble's Pov}

Bubble tried to call Fanny, today she knew that Fanny would answer it. Right? Bubble pressed the call button and waited... and waited... and waited... Beep, Beep, Beep. She did not answer. Bubble was now very worried. Did Fanny get hurt? Do they not like her anymore? She needed answers. But she wanted to give a little more time, maybe she needed to do something... more important than her. Bubble didn't know, she only wanted Fanny to pick up the phone. She laid on her bed in defeat, hoping Fanny would answer in a while. She then slowly drifted off into sleep.

{Third Pov}

Fanny finally got off the bus and arrived at the Pilary Ruins. She extended her tail sharpness and grabbed the bag with it. Fanny walked off the bus and admired the beauty. Is this what she missed out on? She then walked forward, searching for any signs of Bubble.

While Fanny was out searching for her, Bubble woke up, and went outside. it was currently dark, so she wanted to look at the stars. Bubble opened her front door and left. She then climbed a tall-Ish hill and sat. Bubble looked at a shooting stars and wished "I wish Fanny was here with me." And with that, Fanny found her. Bubble looked behind and saw a menacing shadow behind her.

"EEP!", Bubble screamed.

"Bubble, it's just me.", Fanny said calmly.

"What, Fanny?!", Bubble said surprised.

"Hey Bubble, I came to visit you! I am really sorry I was not answering your called lately. My team has been so busy preventing death! So, to make up for it, I wanted to visit you!", Fanny said.

"Oh, that's great! Do you have any stuff you brought so you can stay with me?", Bubble asked.

"Yeah! I got them right here.", Fanny then dropped a bag of items onto the floor and retracted her sharp tail. Bubble then picked it up, and lead Fanny into her room. They both walked into their cabin and was met with the objects who were still awake.

"Oh, hey Bubble. Who do you have with you?", Lollipop asked.

"It's Fanny! She will be staying with us for a while- if that is okay.", Bubble replied.

"Oh okay, just don't make too much noise you two.", Lollipop said winking. But only Fanny caught that and giggled.

"Hmm, wonder what that was about.", Bubble said confused. The two walked into Bubble's room and set down Fanny's items. After they were done, Bubble got a Yoyle- berry and ate it.

"Why are you eating a Yoyle-berry Bubble?", Fanny asked.

"Oh, it is just to prevent me from popping when sleeping!", Bubble replied.

"Don't worry, I will protect you!", Fanny said while looking around playfully. Bubble laughed, and opened her covers to invite Fanny in. Fanny then jumped in with Bubble, and turned off the lights in her room. And with that, they both fell asleep together, knowing that the rest of their vacation will be fun.

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