~I Miss You~

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{Yay we did a timeskip! This is after Two took the show and stuff. And it is after Tpot 1, sooo. Yeah. Also I took Bubbles accent for a reason- I cannot do it correctly. Alr enough of talking. Let's get to the story!}

Fanny walked into her room, and shut the door. Sure, her team was fine but she did not want to be bothered right now. She had someone to talk to. She got her tablet from under her bed and turned it on. "Right on time." She thought when she saw Bubble calling her. She answered it and they saw each other.

" Hi Bubble!", Fanny said in her shouty voice.

"Hey Fanny! What are you up to?", Bubble asked.

"Nothing much, just finished an episode of Tpot. How's it like in the Pilary Ruins?", Fanny replied.

"Eh, it is cool. I just wish you were here- say why did you leave?", Bubble said.

"I left because I hated Four!", Fanny yelled. " He was so mean to us, and he deserved to be left! Why did you stay?!", Fanny screamed.

"Oh.", Bubble winced from the harsh tone. " I stayed because I really wanted the Bfb. "I'm sorry I-", Bubble was then cut off.

"No, I am sorry for not coming with you.", Fanny said in a much softer tone. "And, I should have not convinced even more people to come with me.", Fanny finished.

"Oh, Fanny it is what it is.We should not be sorry for anything, at least we can still keep touch yk?", Bubble said.

"Yea, you're right, at least we can keep in touch. ", Fanny agreed. But suddenly, a grey nail and a black bomb barged into the room.

"FANNY, YOU OWE ME A BANANA!", Bobby yelled.

"Yea, you owe him a banana!", Naily also said.

Fanny scoffed and said " I don't owe you [censored]!".

Bubble gasped, "Language Fanny!"

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!", Fanny screamed. With that, both of them left the room quietly. With Bomby giving the death glare to Fanny as saying "You have 24 hours, give it by then."

"Sorry about them- and my language.", Fanny said awkwardly.

"It's okay, they have no right to be able to barge into my girlfriends room like that!", Bubble replied.

"Yea, they should!", Fanny was then cut off.

"Fanny come on, Remote made dinner and it's getting cold.", Tree said before leaving.
Fanny scoffed.

"Well, call you later bubs?", Fanny said.

"Call me later.", Bubble finished.

"Love you!", Fanny yelled.

"Love You more.", Bubble then ended the call. And with that Fanny went down stairs to eat.

♡ {The End}♡
{Flufy here, ya happy I actually posted today? Hope you are, cause I am also posting tomorrow as well. Turns out, I have time on my hands. See you then!}

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