15. An Unwelcome Visit

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Even more surprising was that each palace was connected by a tunnel system built into the mountain with yet even more stairs. It was only used by guards, but it often made me wonder where it all led to and whether it'd be a good escape plan.

I often thought of this at night, but now I was far too wound up to actually focus. As we neared the lip of the exit of the stairs, I kept fidgeting with my hair and my apron. I suppose I made it obvious because Katar stopped me at the side of the exit of the palace.

I was disturbed for a second as I watched the same woman who constantly chewed me out for the smallest of things smile at me out of the kindness of her heart.

"Remember what we spoke about?" She asked, reaching out to brush back a stray hair with her fingers.

I nodded, "Curtsy and don't stand straight until she says so-"

"And always smile politely to anything she says or asks. Try not to speak to her too much." She finished as she reached down to straighten my apron.

I watched her fret over me and frowned, "Why are you being so nice to me right now?"

She glanced up at me, the sun shining in her eyes at just the right angle. My stomach flipped in home-sickness as I realized she and my brother had similar green eyes.

"I'm hard on you because you've never done this before and you can't afford to make a mistake. But today it seemed like you needed comfort." She squeezed my arm gently. "You won't fail today. No matter how mad she turns out to be."

I nodded and blinked away the urge to cry. This was the first time since my kidnapping that I was shown any unconditional kindness, and it overwhelmed me.

Katar narrowed her eyes, "Why are you–"

"You remind me of my mom." I told her looking up, trying to dry the water gathering in my eyes.

I missed the strange look crossing her face as I blinked away my tears. She waited until I regained my composure to nudge me forward.

"Come, the King and his secretary have arrived."

I took the steps down to the stone floor after her. The steps led to an expansive circle with a fountain at its center, and the King had just landed on Blue. As always Blue looked gallant and beautiful in her secured, leather saddle. Today though, she wore thin chainmail  over her head just above her eyes. It sparkled under the sunlight and made her look even more magical.

Drawing my eyes away from Blue, I met eyes with the King, who was swinging his leg over the side so he could hop off of the bird. He landed on his pristine looking boots and reached up to fix his carefully fixed hair.

I was too busy scanning his clean shaven face to notice him approaching Katar and me. His jawline was defined without his usual growing beard shrouding it in mystery, and his usual wavy hair was slicked back and to the side, sharpening all of his features. It made him look older and younger in a way I couldn't quite put my finger on.

My eyes trailed down his neck to his clothes.

The expensive fabric was fitted and firm against his body in a midnight blue shade with gold embroidery at its edges. His black cavalier shoulder cape was elegantly made of fine fur. He looked like what I thought a King should look like, and it made me stare a bit too long.

He cleared his throat and nodded to me as I broke from my stupor, realizing I had been staring at him quite obviously. I lowered my gaze and curtsied in greeting. I nodded to Sir Joaquim as I straightened.

He smiled encouragingly at Katar and I, asking, "You remember what we spoke about, yes?"

I nodded as Katar recited our instructions, " Wait on her hand and foot. Don't look into her eyes for more than a minute, and minimize time alone with her."

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