25. No one else is worthy of him.

Start from the beginning

"I thought the Wen would just kill me. I didn't expect to lose my Core first. I certainly didn't expect to be rescued. Without a Core, I still thought he'd be the better choice for sect leader. Even if he didn't marry JieJie.... Our people would pretend he was my father's bastard child and elevate him to the position regardless. I was prepared to die, so he could rise. And then...."

Wen Qing sighed a yawn. "And then he found a way to give you his Core and lied to you about it."

"Self sacrificing idiot," Jiang WanYin ground out.

"That doesn't change that we need you functioning as a sect leader when the Jin arrive," Wen Qing reminded him. "You'll be a donor."

Lan WangJi averted his gaze from the duo to look out over the lake. Self sacrificing idiots. Both of them. All either of them had to do to avert this whole mess was to talk to each other. How hard would it have been for Jiang WanYin to say 'I lost my Core protecting you.' How hard would it have been for Wei Ying to say 'I found a way to get you a Core; I will give you mine.' He conveniently ignored that there were a whole lot of things he continued to fail to mention to Wei Ying himself.... For one, how much he wanted... everything. How much he yearned to be able to.... How much he needed to touch, to taste. To take. To force Wei Ying to give, to yield, to submit....

It had felt exhilarating, pressing Wei Ying against the wall and kissing him. Knowing the younger man didn't have the strength to resist. Wei Ying yielding was... so perfect.... It boded well for the rest of Lan Zhan's fantasies... holding his lover down, pressing him into the bed, forcing him to accept what he was given....

He'd burned with jealousy as Jiang WanYin made his way to sit next to Wei Ying, who was giggling like a little child. "Jiang Cheng.... Is it you already?"

"Shut up," the sect leader growled.

"I can't very well shut down," Wei Ying laughed and started hiccuping. He'd stopped laughing only when Jiang WanYin began. "Oh, fuck that hurts!" he'd cried, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Stop, ChengCheng. I can't... I can't... Just stop already. Please...."

It had taken all of Lan WangJi's willpower to not push the Jiang sect leader away from Wei Ying. It was only a few moments before Jiang WanYin slumped, drained. Wei Ying was still keening in pain, cheeks and robes wet with tears, as Wen Qing carefully took his wrist to check his dantians.

"Wei WuXian... do you feel it?" she breathed.

"Feel what?" he hiccuped, this time from crying not laughing..

"You did it."

"We did?" Jiang WanYin grabbed the other wrist and closed his eyes in concentration. "Wei WuXian... you fucker. Was this all it took? You spent all those months dual cultivating with HanGuang-Jun when you could have done it with me? And been cured? You..." he threw out a stream of expletives that, for some reason, set Wei Ying to laughing again.

"Ah, ChengCheng... how could I dual cultivate with you? You were ready to kill Wen Daifu and Lan Zhan when you found out I was doing it with them."

"If you had explained it the proper way, it would have been different. But, no, you have to start your explanations in the middle and leave out all the important pieces."

Wen Qing gave Jiang WanYin a measured look. "You can leave now, to rest, Jiang ZongZhu. Wei WuXian needs to rest, too, before the last session."

"You're still going to have him dual cultivate with Lan WangJi?" Jiang WanYin's look at the man in white was ugly. "The fucker finally has a Core again, and you want him to potentially lose it?"

"He won't," she insisted and rose to her feet. "Wei Gongzi... rest. One more session and this will all be over."

"Over," Wei WuXian flopped down to lay sprawled on his bed. "That's good."

Dear readers

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Dear readers.

I'm probably going to not post tomorrow. I have one more chapter written and then.... Nothing. I'd say 'oops', except.... I tried to post smaller chapters and they just didn't work out the way I wanted them to. So I need to write and get myself a few chapters ahead for a good buffer. It's really hard to write over the weekends. I theoretically have the time, but family.... You know how it is.

At least tomorrow's work schedule should be light, so I should be able to get out a few thousand words.... Assuming, of course, that what I'm planning for the MEETING with JGS works out on paper they way it's detailed in my head. Unless some alter ego steps in and makes me change it to suit his desires....

Thank you, as always, for reading. And the likes. And commenting.

See you Monday!
- Aitch.

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