10 - The Visitor.

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I wake up in bed, all alone. James had already left for his Business trip. I look over at the night stand and find a note.

Dear Tori Moriarty,
I will be back as soon as possible. The doors and windows are all locked. Sebation left his cheetah with you. All the food it needs while we are gone is set out. I promise it's nice. Call me if you need me. I will most likely be back. I love you so much.

Yours truly,
James Moriarty.

I get up and get ready. I take a shower and choose a comfy outfit for the day.

I go downstairs and make breakfast. Half way through eating, the cheetah comes in the kitchen. I'm scared out of my mind, but I get the courage to start petting him. I remeber his name is Jerry. James was right, he is nice.

After a while of sitting there petting him I start the get bored. What am I suppose to do while he is gone. I have nothing to do.

I start walking to the living room, but I feel like I'm going to throw up. Come on! I can't have the flu again...wait. No, no, no, no!

I rush up to the bathroom and take out a test. We've only had sex twice! I can't possibly get pregnant both times!

Once I'm done taking the test I go back down to the living room. I just have to wait for 15 minutes. Just 15 long minutes.

I check my watch. It's only been 30 seconds.


I cheak my watch for the 20th time, and it's been 10 minutes. Jeez, I'm impatient.

I'm about to cheak my watch again when I hear the door open. It's locked.

I get up and leave the test. I go to the kitchen and grab a frying pan. We're doing this tangled style.

I go to the door and no one is there.

"Hello Tori." I turn around and find Sherlock.

"What the hell do you want?!"

"I need to take you to Scotland Yard for questioning."

"It's not happening! I've only left this house once since you held me captive in your room and and delivered me to James!"

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way."

"Why the hell would you think I would comply to you after what you did?" I start to move into the living room to grab a decorative sword. It's the only weapon on the house that comes to mind, and it's the closest. Where is that cheetah when you need it!

Sherlock follows.

"You can't out run me."

"But I have James Moriarty on my side. If you take me, he'll hunt you down."

"It's only for an afternoon." I remeber the test and look down. I'm not pregnant. Thank goodness. Sherlock notices what I'm looking at looks at it too.


"What, I'm not pregnant."

"Yes, you are."

"Don't play games with me Sherlock!"

"Take a look for yourself!"

I look at the test again carefully. Oh my...

"Oh my god." I sit down in the couch and I feel like crying. "I'm pregnant. I don't know if I can last without James. I mean he's coming back, but he might not..." I start hyperventilating.

"Hey, it's going to be ok."

"Why should I believe you! Last time I was pregnant you kidnapped me and I had a miscarriage."

"Well you're not going to have one this time. You know this time."

"Sherlock, I don't know the first thing about being a mother. I've never been around kids and I never had a mother or father!" Sherlock sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"I know you. You're strong you will make it through this."

"Sherlock. James is gone now on a trip, but the thing is...this child might be fatherless. He told me he might not come back."

"If I know Moriarty, he will Come back." Then I heard the phone ring. I picked it up.


"Oh my god it's so nice to hear your voice." It was James.

"You too. What's wrong?"

"It's just I almost died...I promise I'm fine. Things didn't go as planned. I'm coming home tommrow morning."

"That's amazing, and terrable at the same time..."

"I'm bringing some unexpected guests with me."

"What guests?"

"Just...ugh...some of my family. Somehow they found out I was in the area and contacted me and they want to meet you...just listen I'm sending a cleaning company to clean the house. I'm also sending a personal chef to cook a brunch tomorrow. The cleaning company is coming tonight."

"Ok. I can't wait to see you."

"I have to go."

"Ok, I love you, bye."

"Love u, wear something nice tomorrow. Love u again, bye."

I hang up and get back to Sherlock. "He's coming home tomorrow."

"See I told you!"

"So why do you need me for questioning?"

"I don't anymore. I thought you had murdered someone, but obviously you didn't."

"Gee, thanks."

"Ok, I'm going." He stands up. "Last time when you had that miscarriage, Moriarty was so upset. I know this baby is in good hands."

"You think so?"

"I really do. Remember if you need anything call. John could help you more than I could."


"Congratulations on your marriage too."

"Thanks again. Bye."


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