8 - The Sibling.

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We walk out of the bathroom calm and collected, even though I'm freaking out on the inside. How am I going to explain this to James? I could just not tell him.

I get back to the table and sit across from James.

"How was the guy you were talking to," he asked.

"He was fine. Just another client." Then Carter walks over and starts talking to James. That...AHAHAHA...swear word and another and another!

"Hello Jim Moriarty it is very nice to meet you. My name is Carter Smith," Carter starts. What a bunch of BS.

"Nice to meet you Carter," James responds. I hear a slow song come on.

"James, will you dance with me," I ask. I give him a sign that says to not deal with Carter.

"We can talk later, my lady calls!" James gets up and follows me to the dance floor.

"What's wrong," James asks. He puts his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"Don't deal with Carter. It's not a good idea."

"What did he do?"

"He's just bad news!"

"You can tell me. You can tell me anything."

"Oh my god. I can't believe I'm saying this. I never thought this would come out of this mouth."

"What is it! Did he hurt you!" James is really worried now.

"Carter Smith! He's my brother! It's Carter Jenisus! He's the guy I was just talking to! Smith is a last name we always used for code names!"

"Your brother is dead!"

"No, he's not! He faked his death! Do you remember when I was at the cemetery? I was at my brother's grave. He left a secret message! I really thought he was dead, and I was hoping that the message was a hoax! I guess not..."

"It's ok don't worry, we'll get through this together."

"Thanks." The music ends and we head back to our seats.

"I have one more person to talk to tonight, then we can leave."

"I'm getting a little tired anyway. Sounds good." James leaves and Carter comes over. "Listen Carter, I'm not in the mood. I came here to have fun, not be pestered by my 'suppose to be dead' brother!"

"I thought you would be happy to see me," Carter says with a sad voice.

"Well I'm not. You should be lucky I'm not ripping you limb from limb."

"All that rage packed up in that little body! Just how I remember you!"

"I'm not how you remeber me. The little girl you knew would have made a great, big fit about this! I would have made a scene and I'm not. I'm much more mature than I was and I'm not näive 13 year old anymore!"

"Don't be too sure about that honey."

"When you left me I was 16 year old girl more confused than a toddler! Trust me, I've matured, unlike you." All of my friends notice I'm about to strangle Carter and come to pull me out.

"Hey how about we get some drinks," suggests Steven.

Stella grabs my hand. We start to walk away, but Carter grabs my arm and pulls me back over to him. He pulls out a knife and puts it to my throat.

"Carter, finally letting out your anger I see! I always knew you always had anger management problems," I tease. I look around and see that the whole room had stopped, and is starring at us.

"You will regret not coming back to work with me. We could have dominated the world together," he cooes.

"Never. I will never regret anything I have ever done to get away from you. You're a mad man!" Then out of the corner of my eye I see James moving over toward Carter and me. "Hey Honey! How about you use some of that criminal magic you have! I would love to see it right about now!"

"Carter Jenisus. You're a lot like your sister, but there is only one fatal difference,"James starts.

"And what is that," Carter questions.

"She's better at covering her tracts during a job. When I look at the different jobs she's done, they are absolutely flawless, and when I mean flawless, I mean it looked like something I could have done." James narrows his eyes and stairs into Carter's eyes.

"Then I look at yours, there are some death threatening mistakes in them." James gets closer and the knife gets closer too.

"Do you remeber the job you had in Los Angels? You left so many mistakes, that they were on your trail. Guess who they asked to come find you? None other than me! I would have caught you if it weren't for your sister covering your tracks so well that I couldn't even find you."

"So what are you going to do about it now?"

"Drop it and let her go, or I call them right now. I have them on speed dial. Don't even try me. I have people that will shot you down. You know who I am, and what I can do."

Carter drops the knife and walk away from me.

"You'll regret this. I promise. I'll come and find you," Carter threatens as he walks out of the room.

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