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After a long night and hearing more than ten songs I slowly drowned in the slumber of the darkness swooning me.

A crackle of door opening made me think who it will be but then I closed my eyelids  shut to drown in a deep sleep. Somehow, I didn't get it.

My bed dipped down on the right side after a weight being kept on it.

Warm large hands engulfed my little ones. Ha!! That's dad. He kept sitting there for a long time.

It looked like hours has passed few droplets dropped on my engulfed hands. I was in and out of sleep but I also didn't want him to know that I'm awake.

I don't know why I'm not able to see directly at his eyes and talk as I did once.
He gave a small feathery kiss on my temple and spoke, "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen after your mother. Every little thing you do reminds me of her." His voice cracked there.
"I have always wanted a family with your mother and then you born but she left. I know it's not your fault but it's my insecurity that I don't want to lose you too. You are the only one who keeps reminding me of her. Maybe that's the reason I have been distant from you".
I was able to feel his tears flowing. After a minute or two he spoke again, "I love you so much pumpkin but I'm afraid if I'm near you that I'll lose you. I know you hate me for what I've did to you. Let it be that way. But, I always think about you and wanted you to have the best life. Daddy loves you, pumpkin."

I wanted to open my eyes and scream daddy I love you and to engulf him in a tight embrace and to feel his warmth.

After this he was there for sometime maybe he's looking at my features which resembles my mother. With another kiss on the top of my head, he took his hands slowly away from mine and left without a noise.

I controlled myself until I heard the door closing. I sat up in the middle of the night and cried my heart out. I wanted to run towards him and give a bone crushing hug by telling that he is the best dad and I love him so much to take his insecurities away but something stopped me.

I just lied down on my bed starring at the roof until my alarm went blasting, 'fire......fire......'

Switching it off, I did my morning chores and went out for a jog.


Hey Reader Armies 😍😍

Thank you everyone for checking this work out ❣️

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Crizyel 😘

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