Tying Loose Ends...

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"Zhan? Zhan?" Zhan's eyes rolled to his head at the unnecessary panic he felt rush through the bond he shared with the Lan Alpha. His mate jumped out of bed as their eyes met, his face gaining some of its color back. "The world's not ending. I just wanted water." "You should've woken me up." Yibo kneeled before his mate grabbing Zhan a glass of water and assisted his firecracker while he took small sips. "My hands and feet are working, you know?", Zhan grumbled winding his hands around Yibo's neck when he was lifted. If this was six months ago he would've fought Yibo tooth and nail for treating him like he was an invalid but Zhan had given up trying to talk sense into his Alpha. Placing Zhan softly on the bed Yibo covered the Omega blanket frowning slightly. "You are also pregnant. Which means I have to make sure you don't exert yourself unnecessarily." Yibo refilled the water jug on the nightstand aware of the sharp gaze of his mate. "Drinking water is unnecessary?" "Arguing with me is." Zhan's eyes narrowed a fraction at the smart-ass response but he bit his tongue before he said something in return. These days he found himself arguing with Yibo over the silliest of things and that itself was annoying him. A kiss dropped to his forehead making Zhan blink up to his mate. "Don't think about stuff that annoys you. Think happy thoughts. Are you uncomfortable anywhere? Want me to rub your back?" Zhan shook his head slightly closing his eyes. "I am a little tired, that's all." Zhan felt warmth invade his body as Yibo gathered him close placing a hand under Zhan to pillow his head while the other rested on his bump. As always upon feeling Yibo's touch Zhan felt their daughter kick him.

"She's always active when you are around. I think she'll like you more than me", Zhan mumbled breathing Yibo in. It was weird but Zhan found himself wanting to bury himself in Yibo these days. It could be his Omega traits that wanted Yibo near him all the time but Zhan felt sick...genuinely sick when he wasn't around Yibo. Good thing that Yibo didn't find him annoying. If anything the Alpha was over the moon that Zhan needed him close every second these days. "Or she's trying to drive me away by kicking me." Zhan chuckled softly at the silly response feeling his eyes get heavy. "Sleep firecracker. You need it."  Zhan's nose wrinkled at the soft suggestion. "All I've been doing is sleep all day. I didn't think it was physically possible for someone to sleep so much. I am literally sleeping through this pregnancy. It's irritating. Can't you take me out for a walk?" Big, almond eyes turned to Yibo and the Lan Alpha took a deep breath hardening his heart. "No." "Please, baby. Just for a few minutes?" Yibo shook his head again tucking Zhan's face into his neck. Heavens knew how much Yibo hated saying no to his mate. "Li Xiao and Zi Yi have warned us again and again. You need to be on complete bed rest. Please understand, Zhan-Zhan." Zhan went quiet after Yibo's words and the Lan Alpha thought his mate had gone to sleep when he felt a wet sensation on his neck.

"Firecracker?" Moving as gently as possible Yibo looked down at his mate who was biting his lips to contain his cries while tears fell from his eyes. Feeling panic grip him for the thousandth time that day, Yibo carefully removed his hand from under Zhan thumbing his mate's tears away. "What's wrong, Zhan-Zhan? Does it hurt?" "It's...It's my fault." The shaky whisper tugged at Yibo's heartstrings. "I should've taken better care of our pup. I am sorry, Yibo. I am so sorry." Pressing his lips to Zhan's head Yibo embraced his firecracker tight. This wasn't the first time Zhan was apologizing and Yibo knew it wouldn't be the last either. Xie Chong had almost taken everything from Yibo. It had been nearly three months since the incident when The Lan pack had almost lost their Alpha pair. Yibo had almost been killed and Zhan had been set to follow him in death. The incident had left a deep shadow on both the Alphas. Zhan still had nightmares about that day. He dreamt of losing Yibo...his daughter and some days, Yibo felt so helpless his eyes filled with tears seeing Zhan in pain. Of the trauma the cougar had caused Zhan, Yibo wanted to kill the man again. Turning on the lamp at Zhan's side Yibo softly wiped his mate's tears urging him to stop crying.

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