A friendly Spar ...(Part one)

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A loud yelp came from the dark-haired man and the Lan wolves winced on Wang Talu's behalf. "Shit! That must have hurt. Give up, Talu-ge. It's not a good idea to spar with Alpha", reasoned FanXing flinching again when Yibo's claws almost grazed the man's right eye. "Exactly. Last time you got your ribs bruised. This time you'll break your neck, Talu. I don't care how many bones you break. I just don't want to carry your heavy, broken ass out of here." Growling at the low chuckles that left the Lan wolves after Bai Li's words, Talu stood up again fisting his hands.

The two Alphas had visited Lan territory and seeing the Lan wolves training, both males had stepped onto the mat to exchange blows with Yibo. It wasn't the first time so, Yibo had welcomed the men with a light nod. Eyes pinned onto his opponent the man charged towards Yibo swinging his fist hard but the Lan Alpha dodged the hit with no effort grabbing the outstretched hand before twisting it behind Talu's back. Talu wiped out with the other hand, claws unsheathed causing Yibo to jerk back lightning fast. The two men circled each other slowly looking for an opening. Talu suddenly lunged toward Yibo his fists and kicks coming one after the other but Yibo held himself strong against the man, dodging every move. Faint grunts and growls echoed in the hall and Talu hissed when a kick caused him to land on his back. Slamming his hand down on the mat hard, Talu stood up again. His fist came flying to Yibo's jaw and the Alpha caught the fist in his hand jerking the hand behind Talu's back again. The move had another infuriated snarl leaving the other Alpha's lips. He brought his knee up kicking Yibo's kneecap and Yibo retorted with snagging his neck in a firm grip. The dominant move pissed off Talu's wolf, his eyes flashing wolf and he heard another roar of laughter. "Give up, Talu. You'll never be able to pin Yibo down." Wang Talu squirmed in Yibo's hold growling and snarling but the arms around him were like bands of iron, they just wouldn't budge. "Aiyo! Let me go! I can't breathe, you piece of shit!" "I might if you ask nicely."  The arm around his neck tightened and Talu patted it rapidly. "Big brother. Let go. It hurts." With a laugh Yibo let Talu go swiping the sweat breading on his forehead as he did. The other male collapsed on the ground coughing and gasping and the Lan Alpha threw him a smirk making his way towards his mate.

"Yibo-ge, you could have gone a little easy on him", spoke A-Qing peeking over Yibo's shoulder, her eyes full of pity. "He did go easy on him. At least, the idiot can walk on his legs this time", scoffed Bai Li rolling his eyes at the heap on the floor a few steps away. "Seriously, man. Didn't you learn anything seeing me spar with Yibo?"  "He did. Didn't you hear him beg me to let him go? Whom do you think he learned that from?" Bai Li glared at Wang Yibo before scowling at Talu who was laughing from the ground, holding onto his sore shoulder. "Exactly. But, I am still not as pretty as you when you beg, Bai Li. It's a shame you are an Alpha otherwise -"  "You finish that sentence and I'll ram my foot up your ass, Talu", snarled Bai Li sending Talu into a burst of chuckles. "Whether you agree or not, I am a better fighter than you, Bai Li. I lasted a total of thirty minutes against Yibo. That's five more minutes than you." "Five minutes, my ass! You still couldn't pin Yibo on his back. That's what we bet on."  "You guys are way more stupid than I initially thought", drawled Zhan shaking his head. "It's not stupid. Look at his face. How can one not want to punch that smirk off his face? Arrogant fucker." Yibo just glanced in Talu's direction before placing his chin back on Zhan's shoulder as he embraced his mate from behind. The scent clinging to Zhan's skin had him burrowing deeper into Zhan while the man continued to converse with their friends. "Don't be disheartened, Talu", began Xuan. "It's not an easy task. In fact, I've never seen Yibo get pinned down in a fight in these last few years. Rong tried once. Didn't end well for him either."  "Can we not talk about that? It's embarrassing."  Everyone turned in Rong's direction curious as to what had transpired and Rong's face twisted in annoyance. "What happened?"  The sweet, honeyed voice had come from beside him and Rong sighed at the expectant look on Chun Hua's face. It wasn't healthy to melt every time the woman gazed at him with her beautiful eyes yet, he did. Not that he would ever complain.

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