I'll challenge him...

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Walking into Yibo's study, Zhan's forehead creased seeing the crowd in the room. The enforcers, Yibo's father and Uncle as well others were in the room and the half-Omega whistled lowly thinking shit was about to hit the fan. Stepping further into the space his eyes landed on the three men he had never seen before seated across the Lan wolves. Two of the men were wearing suits looking utterly professional while the one in the middle was dressed more casually oozing raw masculinity. Zhan had picked up on the unfamiliar scents in the living room and believed they were here for pack business but from the looks on Lans' faces, he guessed something else was going on. Without asking any questions, Zhan walked towards his mate giving nods to Yibo's father and uncle. Both elders gave Zhan a barely there smile their eyes returning to the strangers in the room. The part-Alpha sat beside Yibo on the couch cocking his head to the side as he assessed the males in front of him. "Who among these three pissed you off?", he asked his mate and there was no hiding the displeasure in Zhan's voice. 

Yibo who had been a picture of menace before curved his lips into a smile seeing the protective gleam shining in his firecracker's eyes. "Why? What will you do?" Zhan leaned back against the couch at Yibo's question throwing his mate an amused look. "I know a few ways to cause irreparable damage to people but if you have a specific request, I am all ears." Yibo's grin stretched a little longer at the words, his wolf letting out a content growl. "Tell me. Who pissed you off and how?" "These three here are trying to manipulate me." Zhan's eyes hardened at the words, his smile falling off his mouth. "You must be the other Alpha that rules the Lan pack", voiced one of the men clad in a suit. "We don't rule this pack. Yibo and I guard it", Zhan corrected eyeing the other twenty-something, fidgeting wolf. The man had to be almost six feet, was lean and he needed to hide his trepidation well if he wanted to survive in their world. Zhan's eyes moved from the man who had spoken to the one who sat in the middle and his wolf instantly went on high alert. The other man who was dressed casually was a tiger shifter, Zhan concluded gazing into the man's chilly eyes.

"What do you want?" "A part of your territory", deadpanned the tiger and Zhan turned to his mate for confirmation. "The area with the stone slab. He wants to build a resort there." Zhan could feel Yibo's growing anger thrum in the bond that connected them. Zhan wasn't taken aback. Every inch of the Lan territory was their home. More than that, that stone slab was Yibo's favorite spot. The small area was hidden behind trees and even had a brook running through it and Zhan knew how much his mate's wolf loved that place. Yibo's wolf often sat under the tree on his slab to unwind. The trees were marked by Yibo's and Zhan's claws and everyone in the Lan pack knew their Alpha pair had an emotional attachment to the spot. "We aren't giving it away", Zhan spoke evenly and saw the tiger clench his fists. "Alpha has made it clear to him thrice already, Zhan-Zhan. Clearly, Shu Yuze has selective hearing or he is set on making things difficult for himself", Guo Cheng snapped. "He came to us before he contacted Yibo", informed Wang Zi Teng his deep voice tinged with annoyance. "I told him already we won't sell the property. He did not listen." The man shot a fierce look in the tiger's direction and Zhan wondered if the elder would jump over the table to end the tiger. Zhan knew how capable Yibo's father was. The Alpha had trained Yibo himself and was almost as vicious as Yibo. He was also eyeing Shu Yuze as if he wanted the man to combust into flames.

"Since they already know how we feel about this matter, why are they still here?" "Because now Mr. Shu is threatening me", said Yibo bringing Zhan's attention to himself and Zhan's gaze narrowed at the words."Really?" Yibo nodded his head as he continued to stare at the tiger. The tiger met Yibo's gaze head on but the men flanking him swallowed hard taking in Yibo's blank face. "He said he'll take the land by any means possible. If I give in to him well and good, if not, he says he'll have to do things the hard way. He says he'll kill me." Zhan scoffed throwing the tiger a look that said,' You can't be that stupid' getting a glare in response. "I am making you a fair offer. You'd be wise to take it, Wang Yibo", spoke the tiger eyes pinned to Yibo's. The threat in them was clear and Zhan felt the his wolf awaken within him. The wolf had a wicked temper, worse where his mate was concerned and he wanted to rake his claws down the tiger's heart for even thinking to touch what was his. "Coming onto our territory and threatening my mate...I have to say you have balls, Yuze. Which is impressive and all but if you also have a brain, back off."

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