Part three...

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The doors to their room opened and Zhan's heart clenched at the blank look on Yibo's face. The Alpha's body was tensed, his hair mussed up as if the man had raked his hands through them again and again and the top button on Yibo's shirt was undone, the tie gone. However, it was the emptiness in Yibo's eyes that alarmed Zhan. Yibo was in his ice zone which meant the Liu couple had said something they shouldn't have. Something that had Yibo's control in shambles. The Alpha looked different from how Zhan had left him an hour ago and Zhan couldn't stop himself from feeling guilty. "Don't." The sole word had Zhan tensing. The arctic command chilled the blood in Zhan's veins. Licking his lips, Zhan sat higher on the bed.

"You okay?" The Alpha responded with a single nod to his question walking straight into the bathroom. Zhan reached out to their bond wincing at the cold rage thrumming through it. Zhan wasn't unfamiliar with Yibo's coldness. They had been together for over a year now and Zhan had calmed Yibo's anger a lot of times before. He knew of the experiences that had made Yibo the man he was now and all Zhan felt was anger that he hadn't been there to protect his baby from being hurt before. Zhan's phone lit up and soon a message from Yubin was staring back at Zhan. "Yibo ordered for Xinyue's parents to be banned from the pack territory. If they are seen around you, they are to be detained." Feeling his heart thunder, Zhan pinched the bridge of his nose saying, "What have you done, Yibo?"

Yibo stepped into the room after what felt like an hour and Zhan watched silently as Yibo got dressed for bed."What did she say?" The question went unanswered a second time, then a third time and Zhan felt his brows furrow while his mate moved about the room doing his business. The Alpha's movements were wooden, rage leaking from every muscle and Zhan shook his head, losing his patience. "You will have to talk to me at some point, baby. Don't make me tickle the answers out of you." Deep, dark glacial eyes met Xiao Zhan's and Zhan's gaze softened. Zhan couldn't stop his heart from fluttering at the sight of those intense eyes locked onto him. Yibo had a way of making Zhan feel as if he was all the man saw. Even when the Lan Alpha was half crazy with anger. The possessive and protective gleam in those dark eyes made Zhan feel like the luckiest man alive. The urge to comfort Yibo was strong and Zhan gave Yibo a soft look. "Come here." Zhan patted the space beside him wanting his mate closer. The Alpha didn't disappoint him. Yibo made his way to the bed but to Zhan's surprise, the Alpha crawled between Zhan's legs placing his head on the half-Omega's chest. Covering the two of them with a blanket Zhan eased into bed with Yibo in his arms. A long breath  left Yibo as Zhan crushed his Alpha to himself kissing the top of Yibo's head. The two Alphas were silent for a few moments, just breathing each other in, and slowly the tension eased out of Yibo's body.

"What happened?", Zhan asked softly pressing his lips to Yibo's forehead. Dark eyes rose to Zhan's and the veiled anxiety in them had Zhan's breath catching. "She won't come near you again. If she does, she'll be dealt with." "I am sorry." The words were heavy with regret and Yibo opened his mouth to give his mate an earful but Zhan pressed a finger on Yibo's lips, silently signalling his mate to settle down and let him speak. "I don't want you to be on your guard against them, Yibo. You have known them all your life. I don't like what comes out of their mouth but I want you to know that I understand it. They are mourning their daughters. You are all that's left of Xinyue in this world. It's obvious that they see you mating with me as a betrayal to their daughter. I understand it." "So, it doesn't hurt you that they call you her replacement?", hissed Yibo angry at Zhan's behalf and another kiss came onto his head, bringing comfort. "It doesn't", whispered Zhan and Yibo rose from his arms eyeing Zhan with disbelief. Zhan almost wanted to laugh at the look on Yibo's face.

"We don't lie to each other, Zhan." "I am not lying to you. They can say whatever they want. I know the truth. I know you love me as much as you love yourself, Wang Yibo." "That's not true." Zhan's brow furrowed and Yibo pressed his lips to his mate's forehead. "I love you more than myself, Xiao Zhan. I love you more than you love yourself."  A smile made its way on Zhan's face and Yibo buried his face in Zhan's chest.

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