A jealous firecracker (Part one)...

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"Careful, Zhan. You are snarling again." The words were accompanied with mild amusement and the part-Alpha responded to the words with a low growl, one that had Wang Hedi's gaze flickering with nervousness. "Now, Omega. There's no need to be violent. It's not our fault your Alpha is busy with another man." Shooting a glare in Wu Xize's direction Zhan tossed back the drink in his hand, relishing the burn of the dark liquid as it rippled down his throat. He ignored the low chuckle that left the pureblood vampire's throat knowing the man was trying to rile him up. Why? Zhan had no answer for that. All he knew was that his wrath seemed fascinating to the vampire. Turning his eyes away, Zhan focused back on his mate through the glass before him. Yibo was seated in the room in front of Zhan on a leather sofa, looking menacing yet sexy like he always did and Zhan felt his irritation spike even more. Zhan had never seen Wang Yibo look anything but perfect. Any time of the day, Yibo managed to steal Zhan's breath away with his dark, deep eyes, his sleek nose, his full lips, and that well-sculpted face. When the man woke up in Zhan's arms, the part-Omega couldn't help but be amazed that Wang Yibo was his. He considered himself damn lucky no doubt about that but on days like this, Zhan couldn't help but be bitter about the utter perfection that was Wang Yibo.
If this was a normal day Zhan would have smirked with satisfaction at the thought that Wang Yibo belonged to him. But, unfortunately, today wasn't one of those days because it wasn't only him admiring Yibo, there was also another man whose attention Yibo had grabbed and he was the reason Zhan was considering making a damn scene in Xize's club even though his Alpha instincts told him he shouldn't.

Zhan had noticed the Omega the moment he had stepped into Wang Yibo's vicinity. He was clearly a handsome man clad in a dark shirt, a jeans, and Zhan wouldn't have minded him if he was at a respectful distance admiring his mate like everyone else. He was here to ask for Yibo's help on a professional matter, at least that's what Zhan had been told. That was the only reason Zhan had let him do his thing. Not out of ignorance but out of respect for his mate. He didn't need to act like a jealous asshole around Yibo. He knew his Alpha only wanted him. The marks on Zhan's body were proof of this fact. However, Qian Yan obviously had other plans. The wolf had made it loud and clear from the get-go that he was here to bang Zhan's mate. He was initially seated at the next table to Yibo's but his gaze kept gravitating towards the Lan Alpha trying to catch his eye. After the meeting with the Gao Alpha was over Yibo had made his move to leave the table, but Qian Yan had joined him. Zhan couldn't hear what the two were talking about but he knew Yibo wasn't happy to see the other man. It was obvious in the Lan Alpha's tensed form and the knowledge that Yibo wasn't happy around the man eased a knot in Zhan's knot he didn't even know existed.

Zhan had learned almost an hour ago that Qian Yan was familiar with Yibo and that fact had messed with his head even more. ''Calm down, Zhan. It's just work'', the part-Alpha mumbled under his breath, and as if his words were heard dark eyes from the other room instantly locked onto Zhan's. Zhan didn't move his gaze away keeping his emotions in check and shot his mate a small smile. Zhan saw Yibo's eyes narrow slightly and wondered what the Lan Alpha was feeling. He almost gave into his curiosity and unblocked his connection to Yibo but at the last moment, the part-Alpha came to his senses. He didn't want Yibo to know that he was uncomfortable. Zhan knew Yibo didn't mind him staking his claim in public but Zhan did not want to appear unreasonable. This was just work. So what if the young man was acting a little flirty? Zhan could handle it. He could. Zhan willed himself to calm down but another growl rose in his throat as the Omega reached out to touch Yibo's arm, a sense of familiarity in the gesture. Just like that Zhan's anger flared again.

"Be honest, what's going on in your head?" Zhan chose to leave the question unanswered because the shit going through his head was downright sinister and admitting the words out loud would be embarrassing. He turned his gaze to the people downstairs on the dance floor hoping he could get the picture of the man making eyes at his Yibo out of his mind. It didn't help much. But, Zhan could control his temper once he was distracted. Surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows, Zhan's eyes roamed over the place and he let his mind wander. One thing Zhan had to admit was that the vampire's club was one of the best nightclubs in the country. True to its name, the place screamed luxury. It was classy and stylish. The place was spacious with private rooms on the second floor and a dance floor and a long bar at the bottom floor. There was nothing shady about the club yet, it seemed...dangerous somehow. That hint of darkness pulled a lot of shifters into Shenhua.
Zhan could detect a lot of shifters because of their scents in the air. Quite a bit of wolves, some lion and jackal shifters, a handful of hyenas, and a hell lot of vampires. What was strange was the fact that despite their natural aversion to each other, the creatures were on their best behavior. Zhan had visited 'Shenhua' a few times but he had yet to see a fight among the people who came here to play at night. Zhan knew he wouldn't find the shifters here in a bar brawl like in other establishments. He also knew why. One thing Zhan had found was that Wu Xize was feared and respected by shifters as he was by vampires. Meeting the man more had just solidified Zhan's beliefs. There were a few people Zhan's wolf cautioned him to be wary of and Xize had topped that list ever since the Omega had met the man. While Zhan was sure the vampire would never cause him harm given his brotherhood with Yibo, Zhan wasn't someone who let his guard down around anyone but Yibo. His mate was the only person he trusted completely. A single thought and as if he was a puppet, Zhan turned in Yibo's direction snarling again. Seemed like Qian Yan had made progress. He was sitting next to Yibo now and trying his best to pull the Lan Alpha's eyes to him. A soft smile on his face, inviting eyes, the Omega's entire body was buzzing with anticipation. In short, he was just a breath away from stripping down and begging Yibo to fuck him.

"Tell me, am I the only one who thinks Qian Yan is here for something else entirely?" , Zhuocheng asked with a frown, eyes meeting with Zhan's. "I don't even understand why Yibo is letting the guy talk to him", grumbled Yubin from beside Zhan. "The wolf has been loitering around for a while now. Inquiring about Yibo. He was hoping to bump into him one of these days. Today is his lucky day", supplied Wu Xize his eyes pinned onto Rong who was making his way toward them. "What is this about, A-Yang?", queried Zhuocheng and the Omega threw a dirty look in Qian Yan's direction before he began speaking. "He is one of Wang Securities' clients. He is the only son of a well-known industrialist and he came to Yibo three years ago. He was dating a guy. A big guy with issues. When Qian Yan broke things off, the male wolf didn't take things well. He began to stalk him. The guy was obsessed and even tried to kidnap Qian Yan once. That's when Qian Fei came to Wang Securities asking for help." "So, is he here to ask for help again? Is the man still bothering him?" Yubin asked with a frown and without missing a beat Hedi spoke, "Nope. Yibo beat the shit out of the guy when he and Qian Yan were seeing each other. The guy never came back after that. Alpha scared him away." What followed Wang Hedi's words was absolute silence. Death silence. Hedi had been watching his Alpha and the man talk but the sudden hush surrounding him caused his stomach to churn. He turned his eyes back to the people occupying the private room and found his packmates scowling at him. It took him a moment but Hedi finally realized what he had done. Fuck. He was done for. He was finally going to be killed. "No wonder I kept feeling like there was a familiarity in the way he touched Yibo." The icy tone was accompanied by a dark chuckle and it made the people around Zhan uneasy.

"How many times have I told you to keep that mouth shut!!?", Wang An hissed, elbowing Hedi in the ribs and the man bit his lip before he spat something stupid again. "Zhan, nothing is going on between them now", clarified Jiyang in a hurry but Zhan made no movement to indicate he had heard the words. "He is just a client, Zhan-Zhan. He has been getting death threats lately and wants our security team to look into it. He just wants Yibo to set up a security team for him. The Omega had been hell-bent on meeting with Yibo. Refused to tell Ji Li what the issue was. He thinks only Yibo can help him. Other shifters fear Yibo, respect him and admire him. Humans also know not to mess with the Wangs. Qian Yan knows that asking the Wangs for help is his best bet. That's all." "That's all?", echoed Zhan, his tone dead. No one said anything for a while and Zhan met his mate's eyes again, this time the fury in his gaze glinting bright. Zhan moved his gaze over to the man who was also looking at Zhan now and Zhan smiled. "Hey, Zhan!" Zhan turned around to see Rong in the room. "Yibo is asking for you."  "What? The Omega isn't entertaining enough on his own?" Zhan's words were laced with venom and Rong didn't need to be a genius to figure things out. "Who told him?" Accusing eyes turned in Wang Hedi's direction and Rong cursed inwardly. "That mouth will get you killed one day, Hedi", he warned for the hundredth time and all the male responded with was a sheepish look. "I'll be right back", announced Zhan walking ahead of Rong. "I am coming with you", announced Wang An followed with Yubin's, "So am I." The club was packed with people yet the shifters moved away to give Zhan space. It was something Zhan had found out on his second visit to Shenhua. The shifters and vampires alike gave Zhan a wide berth and never engaged with him not even for something as harmless as a fleeting conversation. There was a reason why he wasn't approached by other shifters. It was because he was mated to a deranged ice block whom everyone called Wang Yibo.

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