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                " you pinky promise?"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

                " you pinky promise?"

You woke up empty bed once again, and you got up to a dark bedroom. The only light source you had was the lamp on your bedside, which was already turned on.

You yawn, then sighed, annoyed that you were left alone once again.

What time is it?

You look to the clock.


You slept for quite a long time. You felt hungry, and your head hurt from all the crying you did earlier. You got out of the bed, removing some strands of hair from your face from the nap.

You walk to the long, wide, staircase. You walk down, looking around for the same man that put you to sleep.

You enter the large living room, finding him sitting reading a book.

He looks up, looking at me then smiling.

The lighting is dim, and the fire place is on, making it a more cozy and relaxing feeling.

You make eye contact, then look away quickly. You fiddle with your fingers, waiting for him to talk.

"Do you need something, sweetheart?"

You shake your head no quickly, and start to walk away to the open kitchen.

"Did you have a good sleep...? You were asleep for quite some time.."

"Yeah... I did.. I Just came down here to drink some water.." you say quietly.

"Oh! So you did need something.." he says, playfully smiling.

You nod your head yes, looking at the dark haired male. You turn around and open the fridge, grabbing a water bottle.

"Can you come here for a second, sweetheart?"

You put the water bottle down, and slowly come to him, watching him put his book down.

He puts his hand on your forehead, then your cheeks. The coldness of his hands makes you shiver.

"You were crying a lot today, I'm trying to make sure you're not sick."

"Is your head hurting darling?"

"A little..But I'm fine.."You say, flustered. You avoid eye contact with him, feeling embarrassed as well.

He sighs and laughs, his smiling somewhat loosens the atmosphere.

PROMISE?| Yandere! Mafia x childish reader |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ