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             "You pinky promise?"

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             "You pinky promise?"

The little girl hums while holding her Ice cream cone in her hands. She's enjoying the cold treat, mostly forgetting the reason why she's there in the first place.

"Do you forgive me princess?" The dark haired male asked. You looked up at him, then down to your treat.

You nodded, making him smile. He holds out his hand to lead you out of the shop, but instead you put your favourite bunny in his palm.

"Can you please hold bunny? He says he's cold." You ask.

Allistar looks down at the stuffed animal, feeling slightly enraged.

He wanted to hold your hand, not the rabbit.

Just to not upset you, he held the bunny for you.

They soon leave the shop to enter the car, causing the (h/c) haired girl to stop in her tracks.

"Excuse me.. where are we going?" She asks.

Allistar looks at her again.

"We're going to my house princess."

She looks up at the grudge-y male, eyes glossed with tears.

She hated the fact that she has to be away from her home, she hated the fact that she has to be away from her parents. That isn't fair to her.

"But I don't really want to!"

Tears start to slowly fall out of her eyes, and she starts to tremble due to fear.

The male sighs, and pulls her into a hug. Her face melts into his chest, from light tears into continuous sobs. He pats her head, not really knowing how to comfort someone.

"It's ok sweetheart. Let's go home." He whispers to her.

He pick ups her legs, and carries her bridal style into the car.

He sits beside her, wiping her tears.


It was the first time he touched your face, and your (s/c) cheeks felt like clouds to him. He wanted to just devour them right there, but he didn't want to scare you.

Soon enough, the duo arrived at the male's house.

The house was huge, and also almost in the middle of nowhere.

On the ride there, you fell asleep with bunny

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On the ride there, you fell asleep with bunny. Allistar takes notice of this, and knows he has to pick you up again. He picks you up, and he takes you to your temporary "room".

He lays you down, and puts the covers over you, then the blanket.

"I wonder what that tiny girl dreams about.." He says to himself.

He gets off the bed, and turns off the lights. He closed the door and goes to his bedroom.

He thought about the girl, thought about how he's going to take care of such a childish person by himself. Usually, he would reject any kind of girl, but seeing that her parents abandoned such fragile girl made him livid.

"It doesn't matter now, she's mine." He says, as he drifts off to sleep.

               Couple hours later

The (h/c) haired girl woke up to a frighting sound, thunder. The rain was pouring hard and fast, and the fragile girl remains under the covers, shivering.

Realizing that she's alone in the room, causes tears to prick in her eyes. She curls up into a ball, flinching at every clap of thunder.

"I thought you were a big girl?"

Those words rings in her ears. The thought of the tall, dark, mysterious man gave her somewhat comfort.

Instead of finding her "annoying" or "insane", he didn't care. He didn't even judge her pink toy filled room.

He wiped her tears when she cried like a baby.

With the little strength she had, she got up from her bed. She opens the large door, and scurries down the hall.

Seeing all these doors made the fragile girl overwhelmed, but she is determined to find the dangerous mans room.

Eventually she made it. She quietly opens the door, sneaking into the males room.

His bed is huge, considering only person is using it. The man inside of it is sleeping soundly, while the sounds of thunder roar in the background.

Y/n runs quickly inside of it, covering herself with the thick blanket surrounding.

She tightly shuts her eyes, hoping that she can drift away soon.

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