On the topic of the girls.

 "Do you not mind this? The article mentions you as the children's legal guardian."

 "I have no reason to mind, truly. I was actually thinking about whether or not you mind not being mentioned as such as well."

 "I think I need at least a week to just process the fact that I am, so this helps. Besides, if someone cares enough, they can guess that from the fact that we are married."

 He smiled as he nodded.

 "They are quite a handful, aren't they? On that note, if we make them wait too long, they might start a riot. He chuckled.

 "We should go then."

 I stood up only to be pushed right back down.

 "Finish your breakfast."

 "I had enough, thank you."

 This answer of mine, however, was rewarded with a glare.

 "When was the last time you ate?"

 "Yesterday... morning?"


 Fine, I'll eat.

 While I was eating, Neuvillette somehow managed to prepare food for the girls as well.





 How is that even possible?!

 With a sap of his fingers, the piles upon piles of boxes disappeared.

 "I suggest you prepare yourself mentally. The little ones have come up with quite an adorable way to address you."

 That was the only warning I got before he drew me into his embrace and the sight around us changed.

 But we weren't in the village.



 "I teleported us outside. I suspect they are lying in wait to jump us should we just appear inside." He smiled.

 Yeah, that's a valid point.

 Let me give you another one.

 "Do you want me to just swim over then?" I asked, pointing at the underwater cavern that I assume leads to the village.

 "Yes. Do you mind?"

 "No, not really. It's just that... Neuv dear, I can't hold my breath that long."

 "But... You don't have to."

 He looked at me so innocently confused that I had an urge to pet his head.


 "Wait. Did I forget to mention? That mark I left on you. It makes it so you can breathe underwater much like I can."



 "Neuv... Ugh... Yes, you did forget to mention. Any other important detail that I'm not aware of?"


 Being married to the hydro dragon requires a lot of mental strength.

 I respect Lady Furina more and more for having been able to deal with him for 500 years without going insane.

 "Aside from what we've discussed before, it should also have the effect of warning beings of certain nature should they approach you with bad intentions."

 "Beings of certain nature?"

 That is the most vague description I have ever heard.

 "Other Sovereigs, archons, gods, dragons, adepti, youkai... Let's just say non-human beings of enough strength to do you harm."





 "Please spare my sanity."



 And once more, my respect for Lady Furina grew by a whole lot.

 "I'm just pitying both myself and our archon."

 "Your archon."

 "You are incredibly adamant about that, aren't you?"

 "I respect Furina, but you will not catch me calling her my archon even in death, Wriothesley. It would be most disgraceful of me as a Sovereign. My innate pride won't allow it."


 "But you won't beat me up if I say it, right?" I asked jokingly.

 "I don't even beat you up for calling me, and I quote, your stupid little dragon. And yes, you say that out loud sometimes."


 That's embarrassing!

 Letting out a short chuckle, he held his hand out to me.

 "Would you do me the honor of letting me show you the depths of Fontaine's seas?"

 "We won't run into some weird sea creature right?"

 He scoffed, throwing me a mocking glance.

 "Stronger than myself. I will be impressed if you can pull something like that out of the sea." He grumbled.

 I was just joking, okay?

 Did he feel insulted-


 Before I knew it, I was pulled into the water without a warning.


 That might have pricked at his pride more than intended.

 That aside. This is...

 This is just...


 It wasn't exactly my first time diving, but without diving gear, it was all just so much brighter and more colorful.



 My little dragon is so beautiful.

 Neuvillette looked enchanting underwater.

 "You like it?"


 Yes, yes, definitely.

 "You're so pretty."

 He froze for a second, a blush creeping up his neck.

 "I meant the sights, you tease." He mumbled.

 "Those can't match up to my charming little dragon."

 His cheeks turned a shade darker.

 "We should go. Come, I'll lead you."

 I took his outstretched hand, letting him pull me along.

 Fine, I'll let you change the topic this once.

 Only because you're pretty.

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