Chapter 41 - The start of trouble

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Neuvillette's POV

 I listened to Wriothesely's footsteps till they completely faded.

 And now...

 "The offer still stands." I told the boy.

 He seemed fidgety, but that wasn't all that out of the ordinary or a reaction I hadn't seen before.

 "Uhm... Monsieur Neuvillette... Would working in the Marechaussee Phantom mean working with... melusines?"

 "Naturally. Is that a problem?"

 "N-no! Not at all!  I just find melusines really..."


 "Cute. I find them really cute."

 "Cute, you say?"

 "I didn't mean for that to be insulting!" He quickly added.

 Was my tone perhaps a tad too serious?

 "I did not take it as such. No need to worry."

 Is he worried that the girls would take it as an insult?

 "Would you find it insulting if a young child called you cute?"

 "No. Of course not. Children are children."

 You too are a child.

 "That is exactly how the melusines would treat it if they heard you say such things. After all, most of them are hundreds of years older than you." I explained.

 "Right! I'll keep that in mind." He nodded.

 "So, are you taking the offer?"

 "That... I apologize, but I don't think I will."

 "May I ask why?"

 "As I just told His Grace, I'm quite happy here at the fortress. I'm content with my current life and feel no need to change it."

 A warm, sincere smile spread across his face.

 "Alright, but I'll keep the offer open for you."

 While I would like such a talent in the Phantom, there is no need to force it if he doesn't want to.

 "Thank you, Monsieur Neuvillette! If you'd excuse me now, I have messages to deliver."

 I nodded at him, but just before he descended the stairs, I couldn't help but stop him.

 "If you wish you can go up to the surface with Sigewinne every three months."

 "There is really no need-"

 "Every three months a gathering for Melusines takes place. I reckon they wouldn't mind an extra participant."

 On the contrary, they would probably adore his innocent personality.

 "Tha-thank you Monsieur Neuvillette!" He shouted as he just about jumped off the stairs.

 I listened as the door closed with a quiet click and his footsteps faded in mere seconds.

 Quite the talented kid, this one.

 If they don't pay attention, even a dragon might miss his steps.

 Now that he had left I couldn't help it anymore and took out the token Wriothesely had given me.

 "And this one puts too much trust in me." I mumbled.

 For someone like him to do something like this...

 For someone who was betrayed before...

 "Just what have I done to deserve your trust?"

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