• CHAPTER 27 •

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THEME SONG • 'Hold My Girl' By George Ezra

"I've got time, I've got love

Got confidence you'll rise above

Give me a minute to hold my girl

Give me a minute to hold my girl..."

*warning this chapter has mentions discussions of eating disorders. If you are not comfortable reading that, please skip to the next chapter :)


As I feel myself awaken, I start freaking out straight away. With my eyes still closed, I don't know where I am, or how I got here, and I feel my anxiety coming up to my chest. I open my eyes straight away, trying to take in my surroundings, when suddenly I feel something around my waist pulling me to the side.

I look over to see Jackson, pulling my closer to him while still sleeping, trying to cuddle into me more unconsciously. and I immediately relax, the events of a few hours ago coming back to mind.

Jackson and I arguing.

Me crying in Jacksons arms.

Me forgiving Jackson and him forgiving me.

Me in his car.

And falling asleep.

Straight away I curl back into his chest, wanting to stay there for as long as possible. As much as I still feel anxious, my heart instantly settles in content as I lay on his chest, and I relax straight away.

Until I hear a groan coming from next to me.

"Mia, baby?" He mumbles, moving slightly as he wakes up.

I get nervous. What if he is mad again, or suddenly doesn't forgive me anymore once he slept on it... I know that makes me come to decisions, but what if it means he doesn't want to see me again?

I move away, not wanting to intrude on him and his thoughts. If he doesn't want me here anymore, it might be best to put some space between us so he doesn't feel uncomfortable saying it. 

Jacksons eyes are now fully open, looking at me in confusion as to why I'm moving away from him.

"Mia? what's wrong?" He asks, rubbing his eye while leaning on the other arm. He was wearing my favourite grey tracks and no shirt, I guess thinking he was going to get hot. Gosh, why did he have to be in this, its going to make it so much harder to have to leave...

"Talk to me baby, what's going on? What's running through your head?"

He rests his hand on my arm, drawing tiny shapes on it as I build up the courage, but the shivers appearing on my arm from his light touch distract me.

"I just, I just thought you might've changed your mind. And if you have, I totally understand. I can leave and you will never have to talk to me again. I wouldn't hate you- I mean, I could never hate you, I just-"

"Woah- slow down, ok? I have not changed my mind Mia, not one single part of me wants you to go. I just got you back, and I never want to be apart from you again, ok? I don't want you to think that you have upset me at all baby, because you haven't. I fucked up and I am so so sorry about that, but I don't want you to ever leave, ok?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice right now to work properly without breaking into sobs, and I lean myself back into him, ravishing in his warm and comforting self.

"Now, as much as I want to cuddle you forever and never have to leave my bed, I think we should try and get something in your stomach maybe..." Jackson says hesitantly, not wanting to upset me by bringing up food.

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