𝟎𝟑𝟕 if retail therapy actually worked, i wouldn't be concussed.

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if retail therapy actually worked, i wouldn't be concussed.


"SO, TELL ME AGAIN, why did he have to tagalong?" Lydia asked with her usual mousey voice. Pouting her bottom lip, she glances away from the road and to the passenger seat.

A rasped groan rumbles out of Paxton. She rolls her eyes as the memory of the morning comes to mind. It had already been frustrating enough, and now, with the addition of the uninvited guest in the backseat, it becomes complete and utter annoyance.

She didn't think it would be impossible to live at Derek's—and for the last forty-eight hours, it hasn't been—but the adjustment to residing with three werewolves definitely had its downside, especially ones that rise with the sun.

At her house, Sunday's were meant for catching up on a weeks' worth of missed sleep by sleeping in until noon. Imagine the shock when she had been jolted awake with the incessant noise of music blaring from a radio. She learned quickly that Derek starts his days by working out in the middle of the loft—and without any warning.

She tried to drown out the bass of the radio by suffocating her ears with a pillow, but even that couldn't help, it had been turned to full volume and vibrated the floor she slept on.

Eventually the exhaustion overtook her, and she fell back asleep.

But twenty minutes later, the cycle repeated. This time, the interruption was in the hands of Isaac—literally. He had decided that it would be the perfect time to push his bed back into a couch, and with that, move the table beside her head. It scraped against the hard floor like nails on a chalkboard.

She learned that the only one in the loft with some sense is Cora, who quietly nibbles away at a stack of pancakes in the kitchen. Paxton fought through the clouds fogging her brain, and made her way to the kitchen. Cora scooted a plate of food over, and the two exchanged a look of mutual annoyance. It was then when Cora informed Paxton that the noise is common, it happens nearly every morning, and she couldn't stand it either.

When she felt like facing the world, Paxton got ready for the plans she had made today. She snuck around the loft unnoticed, hurrying for the door, until suddenly, the radio clicked off and the room fell silent.

Derek had stopped his count of sit-ups to ask where she was going. She stopped at the door, where she squeezed her eyes shut and spun around to face him with a plastered-on smile. Like always, she danced around the truth, but that only made him question her more.

Cora defended her, saying it's none of his business where Paxton went, and when Derek rambled on about how Paxton's his responsibility now, Cora simply replied with, "Come on, Derek. She doesn't have to tell you, it's not like you're her parent, nor her brother."

And though Paxton could appreciate the sentiment, Cora's innocent words stung to hear.

The debate goes on for what felt like forever, making Paxton miss the time she had told Lydia and Allison to meet at. But ended with Isaac saying he could just go with Paxton. He made it sound so simple, he just didn't know he would follow her into trouble.

Still pouting her lip, Lydia turns back to road, and trees that fill the forest beside it. "This was supposed to be a girl's day," she whined. "We never get to do things like this anymore. We had the summer, but Allison wasn't there for it."

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