Chapter 31: Visiting the raider

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In the tall trees of Blackwood Forest far off from both cities, there ferals forming a trail carrying baskets filled with fruits and jogs fresh water towards their tribe while two of the remaining took care of the gemstones they gained from their last loot, deciding which one can be useful for later trades with other feral tribes. Their leader, Len, sat on a tree branch over seeing them making none of them get any ideas and decided to steal any for themselves.

"Pick up the pace men, we need to get these to the females to keep them healthy for transport." Len told them, his left ear twitch as he picked up distant footsteps coming towards their direction in a fast pace. He tenses up as he nails grown sharper, ready for the opportunity to kill the unexpected intruder. When the intruder took one step towards the opening, he strikes.

"Ha!" Len huffed; a wild grin came across his face as he gripped the lower half of the intruder's face in vice-like grip. He held out his out hand ready to rip out their heart but stopped mid-motion. "Oh, Mayor Silas?" 

"Wow there," Len snorted at the glare he was receiving from the pinned man. "There is no need to be so hostile when you were the one walking into my domain without caution. Let me help you up."

"I do not need help from a filthy thing like you!" Mayor Silas snapped at him, slapping his hand away before getting up. 

"Wow there, I did not mean to hurt your small, fragile pride." Len laughed, raising his hands in mock defeat. "What does my honorable guest want with the little ol' group of 'filth'?"

"You did not honor your part of the deal!" Mayor Silas snapped at him jabbing a finger on his chest. "You supposed to kill that lizard and your brother!"

"What can I say?" Len said, rubbing his chest. "I did not have enough time to finish them off, I can smell the guards coming closer in packs. But I took his arm, got to count for something."

"THAT. WAS. NOT. THE. DEAL!!" Mayor Silas yelled in his face, catching other ferals' attention. Not noticing the increasing hostility of Len's pack, he continued on with his rant. "I WANTED THEIR FUCKING BODIES TO BE TWISTED UP BY THE END OF THE RAID! WHY CAN'T YOU LOWLY BASTARDS DO THE ONLY THING YOU'LL GOOD AT CORRECTLY!? YOU STUPID, WOR-"

Mayor Silas folded into himself, throwing up in pain at the powerful punch he received. Mayor Silas let out a groan when he got yanked back up by his hair. 

"You know what? It must be nice walking around like king, I would personally understand it feels like walking on air, but you keep forgetting about the rules about this world," Len told him, wiping the salvia from the corner of his mouth. "But let me remind about the key point, territory. What you can and cannot do is all defined by that, to the crazy leader from Scorch to the strange double leaders from Seashore. We might not care about the laws of society, but we still have our own structure. Weak obey the strong, which is something that you need to follow when you are on my land. Got that?"

Mayor Silas looked at the ferals that have the teeth bare, ready to tear him to sherds before snorting before nodding his head. Once Len let him go, he spun on his heel and slapped him. "Don't you even think that your strength will make want to grovel at your feet, touch me again and I will personally make you regret it." 

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