Chapter 12: Home to Bad News

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"Zuri have been kidnap!?" Jade shouted as she quickly got out of bed; Rosette grabbed her hand before she could walk out. Jade looked down at her and tried to snatch her hand away. "Let go of me."

"Where do you think you are going?" Rosette demanded, making sure to keep a good grip on the woman.

"What do you think?" Jade asked annoyed. "I'm going to get our friend back."

"Impossible, you are just recovering. What do you think you can do in your condition?" Rosette rejected, shaking her head at Jade's impulsiveness. "We are not strong enough to take care of that creature. I am certain that Zuri had already been devoured and digested already. I know that this is difficult to accept but going to a suicide mission is something that I refused allow to happen under my watch."

Jade did not bother to correct her. Instead, she snatched her hand away and left the tent angry. When she got outside, Jade was momentarily stunned to see all the homes Rosette had built and the destruction of a few. As she walked around, taking everything in, she eyed the large corpse of a snake that was the size of a motor coach and have a beautiful skin that contains golden brown with a tint of red and darker red spots with white outline.

'That's a copperhead snake, it only exists at in the Smokey Mountains, well at least I know the location where we been sent to,' Jade observed. 'They must have picked up their scent on the mountain.'

'And this is the result, it was my fault for leaving them defenseless,' Jade closed her eyes and took a shaken breath. Jade spotted a home with the name 'Rosette & Diana' scratched on the door and picked up her pace towards it. When Rosette got out the tent and spotted her heading that way. Cursing under her breath, she tried to catch up to stop her.

"DIANA!!" Jade shouted as she slammed open the door. She quickly checked each room before spotting a room the door was closed. Before she could turn it, a hand had firmly grabbed her shoulder and yanked her away. Jade met eye contact with the furious grey ones of Rosette.

"Jade, you have no right to just go barging into someone's home," Rosette hissed in a harsh whisper, trying not to disturb Diana. "Especially when your captain is currently not feeling well."

"We need to create a rescued mission," Jade snapped at her, not bothering to whisper. Instead, she jabbed her finger at her chest to get her point across. "Did you not hear me?! We need to save her before she is forced to do something she does not want to."

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" Rosette snapped back. "That snake was freaking bigger than its friend had invaded our base and almost manage to kidnap me and Zuzu. The only reason I am here right now is because she manages to get the snake to agree to take her alone since it was that was the only reason why they came in the first place."

"....What did you said?" Jade said, zoning in on the last part. "What do you mean that it was Zuri's fault?"


They stopped arguing and looked over towards the door where Diana was standing. Diana's hair was tangled, and her eyes were bloodshot. Even though she looked like a mess, the pressure that she emitted was enough to remind them that she was the leader.

Surviving the BeastworldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora