Chapter 18: Plans are made

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A/N: I am planning on reediting the first ten chapters so if you see them reposted in your in box, don't get confused. Also, I want to let you know that I planned on rating this as Mature, since I read the guidelines and realized that it should have been rated as that.

When Diana came back exhausted from today's search, today she chooses to search east and a little more far away their home. And she finally gained a lead on where the feral had took Zuri taking out the yellowish white torn cloth that used to be part of the healer's dress.

'A wonderful discovery,' Diana thought happily, she was close to get a rematch. She felt excited and was eager to show it to everyone. 'Wait until Rose- Ah, right. I am not on speaking terms with her.'

Her happy mood dimmed as she remembers that fact. After that argument, she had gone out of her way to avoid her as much as possible, that includes sleeping in the living room instead of our bedroom. Diana bit the bottom of her lip as she remembers the way Rosette begged for her to stay with her. 'Am I being too harsh? Was I wrong for wanting to search for the powerful beastman? Maybe I should talk to her tonight.'

When she went inside, she was expecting to the girls working on the wall but was surprised to see that was not the case. A little far off at the center of the base, Diana notice that there were a lot of women all gather together. More than she left behind, Diana's depressed about her relationship turned into protectiveness and worry.

As she storms over to the crowd, announcing her presence, she notices something that breaks her heart. 

Rosette had some redhead woman's arm wrapped around her shoulders; she was bicker with the redhead about something. While the other simply laugh it off like it was some funny joke. 

In her eyes, they looked like the perfect couple. Jealousy gripped her as she had walked up to them ignoring the rest of them.  

Rosette and the woman noticed her approaching them with a sour expression on.

"Hey, you must be beautiful chick that she was talking about," Alice said as she holds out her for a handshake. "My name is Alice and I have said you have a neat base here. Hoping that BB and I can chat to you two about somethings that help us feel little more settle in."


"Here?" BB answered uncertain if she really wanted to make her presence known. The woman was still sitting on the ground with her knees pulled up to her chest so she can use it rest her chin on. "It's been a while since I last saw you, how have you been?"

"I had better days," Diana answered flickering her eyes over towards Rosette, something that she caught and did not appreciate. Ignoring Alice's hand, she made her way over towards BB. "Are you still leader of the seek and destroy team?"

"Nah, give that honor to one of my men," BB answer, begrudging getting up and stretched. "Took over healing team it slow but I am cool with it, other than dealing with injured members I would just go to sleep in one of the beds."

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