Chapter 24: Bonding time between a mixed breed and a Komodo Dragon

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A/N: Trying my hand in writing a fight scene, hope that it turns out well.

"Haa, you are so fast!" Diego complimented once he had caught up with Alan, taking deep breaths to try and catch his breath. Alan kept on walking with the bag of gems still in his mouth, looking straight ahead. Diego was not deterred by this, instead he wagged his tail to show how happy he was as allowed the complete silence to settle in. But the constant sound of the rattling money and the way the bag just kept on smacking Alan's chin as he walked finally got to him.

"You know, I can always head out and make a rope using grass," Diego offered, eyeing Alan's stiff jaw from the death grip on the bag. "Hanging it around your neck would make things easier for you, I know that the taste on that rough texture must be nasty."

Unable to move anymore, Alan had lay on his stomach and dropped the sack between his front paws before laying down on them. His kind was not made to keep the steady fast-paced thanks to their large body, he needs some rest to be able to continue on his journey and hopefully calm down his anxiety. Alan began to snooze while Diego sat down in front of him, he tilted his head to the side confused about why he wanted to sleep all of the sudden.

The constant stare of Diego had caused Alan's patience to snap, opening his mouth, he made an attempt to rip out his throat. With a split-second decision, Diego had duck underneath Alan's jaws and used his head to headbutt him in the chin. Allowing him the opportunity to gain some space between them. Diego had shifted back into his human form and stayed in a squatting position, unlike before when he was in Wild City, he allowed his ears and tail to stay out.

Alan shifted back to his human form too, looking at him impressed.

"You are very quick on your feet," Alan stated, rubbing his sore chin. He popped his knuckles more than ready to fight him. "Let me guess, you are a four-stripe like me?"

"You are not serious, right?" Diego questions, not understanding the lizard's mindset. "We are supposed to go searching for our queen."

"See that's the problem," Alan snarled at him. "I had only allowed Akagi to join our family, you and that sheep were just buzzing around like flies. I'm not fond of messing with liars especially with the fact that you hide your background to Jade. I will not accept someone that is willing to lie about something so serious."

"Are fucking with me?" Diego snapped; anger was sparked to life at the audacity of that comment being thrown at him. He stood up, muscles tensed. "You were not complaining when I lied to that pathetic mayor about our status with Jade, you cannot just ride the high and jump off when you get what you want! There is no way that I am going to risk my life for her and not take my chance just because you say so, regardless of the fact you are my hero!!"

"I guess that hero worship act finally lost its flavor," Alan snorted, not giving his passionate speech a single thought. "As her first mate, it is my right to safeguard her from those who do not fit in the family."

"And you know what that is?" Diego asked rhetorically, trying not to attack him from his irrational behavior. "I am certain that Komodo Dragons are one of the few ferals that does not mind sharing with others."

"I have an idea," Alan stated, not bothering to say anything about the comment about his species, he thought about the time he had with Jade in the villa. 'Sensitive and enjoys comfort over conflict. It was only a small bit that I could pick up from the week we spent together.'

The sight of Alan acting like he wasn't even there left Diego's heart aching, as if his dedication was merely something he could discard once its usefulness had passed.

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